MovieChat Forums > BioShock Infinite (2013) Discussion > Anyone else wish there was a simpler end...

Anyone else wish there was a simpler ending?

As much as I loved the twist the game took in the second half and the ending, I kind of wish it didnt... My favourite part was the first half and i was kind of dissapointed once the alternate realities were introduced. I absolutely applaud the risk of making a game like that, but in a way i felt cheepened... Dont really know how to explain it


Simple endings are for simple games. Bioshock isnt a simple game. The ending fit the nature of the story and the world it established. I feel like people who didnt like the ending, to me either dont understand it or simply were expecting a choice ending like the original. But the genious of the ending was that choice was irrelevent, it would always end up the same way. I believe that it also spoke in a wider context to the nature of the gaming industry going for more moral choices that affect the ending of a narrative. Since the original game released in 2007, there have been many games that mimic a moral based choice that affects the ending. This game was more about how people interpret the ending not only to the context of the story, but can also interpret it in a wider context, and it makes for an amazing game.


I understood it perfectly and I am very happy there was no choice at the end as it is being overused by games nowadays. Still I wish it had a relatively grounded ending like the original (emphasis on relative here).

they cured him alright



It is relatively true. A game with a lot of depth in character and story like Bioshock would not have worked to have a simple ending attached to it. That's why it had such a complex but amazing ending. As for video games in general, endings are suppose to close the narrative in a way that compliments the nature of the story. A dark game deserves a dark ending. A complex game deserves a complex ending. A simple game deserves a simple ending. I get you're trying to make a point that a game that comes off rather as simple with complex, dark, or convoluted endings often end up being amazing but I actually have not played a game that is like that. For example, Uncharted is a typical action adventure narrative type game, very simplistic. That is why the ending is simplistic as well, there is no dark or complex ending attached to it, it's straight forward and simple as the narrative it tells.



I think this is where people split in their opinions.

The ending was in no way confusing or hard to understand. The story was just told in a way that made it seem sooo much more complicated, with so much extra random information and minor characters that really didnt matter.

I have a feeling that fans of this game feel like this was a very stimulating ending, and i think they believe that haters just dont understand it. I found the same mentality when trying to explain to people why the movie After Earth was not more complex than it seemed.

I find that people who champion mediocre things, usually do so because it pushed their mental faculties to the limit, and therefore they were entertained. Since these types of people usually think a lot of their intelligence (unwarranted lol) they feel anyone who disagrees is just a "sheep" that doesnt "get" the basic ending.

People just think things are super complex once you add the time element. I just find them to be lazy lol.

Black Rectangle


Yes, while it lacks both: simplicity and variety.

The beginning and the ending are both not satisfactory to me. The game is praised so much but it leaves almost NO choice for the player. To enter the city is possible only via the "baptism" scene and at the final stages of the game all you have to do is "open the door", "take the child", "give the child", etc. It looks that the only choices in the whole game were: 1) when throwing the ball at the fair; 2) when waiting at the register desk at the station; 3) when choosing a necklace for Ely. And that's it?

Like it or not, the game "Dead Rising 2" looks so much better presenting much more freedom in action and final results. Even the good old "Suffering" had a couple of completely different endings.

Would be quite happy if Booker and Ely could just fly away on the Comstock's ship to Japan or Russia and settle there for good among the evergreens with "Johnny be good" sounding as the background. But no, the developers loaded us with their philosophy leaving no choice but to follow their train of one-way thinking.


Nu chto gliadite? Ne poluchali davno?


OP and AndreiPavlov: Couldn't agree more.

To me the main strength of BioShock Infinite (and the entire series for that matter) is the "feel" of it; I love the design, the atmosphere and (for the most part) the gameplay.

I also love the initial (though eventually proven false) premise of the story, the setting of the whole thing.

I just seriously dislike the school of thinking (in both movies and books, especially in the sci-fi/fantasy genre) that seem to say: The more convoluted, the more complicated, the better. I don't need a hysterically pretentious and unnecessary "deep" plot where it turns out "you" are "him"; with multiple dimensions and timelines and whatnot.

Few storylines can be truly original anymore anyway, and they don't become more interesting than the ones already told by adding as many surreal twists as possible. The way I see it the real strength lies in the telling of the story. A plotline can be simple as heck and still pull you in through the way it's (in this case, literally) played out.

And I certainly, most wholeheartedly agree with AndreiPavlov:

Would be quite happy if Booker and Ely could just fly away on the Comstock's ship to Japan or Russia and settle there for good among the evergreens with "Johnny be good" sounding as the background.

Though I, for one, would choose Paris.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


The game is praised so much but it leaves almost NO choice for the player.

Um.... THAT's THE POINT! It leaves no choice because the major underlying theme of the game is that there is no real choice. The choices are all irrelevant in the end.

Need a new signature?
Why not Zoidberg? (\/)(°,,°)(\/)


I wish there was a better story/narrative - period.
