Body in the lighthouse?
Who was he and who killed him? He doesn't seem to factor into the events of the game or the ending in any way.
shareWho was he and who killed him? He doesn't seem to factor into the events of the game or the ending in any way.
shareI wondered the same thing
shareI believe the luteces tortured and killed him for the combination on the bells ontop of the lighthouse. They went through a tear tortured him, got the code and then put it in the box for you. Also i believe there is a bible close to his body opened to a chapter about the man who guards the pathway to heaven
shareI was thinking the body might be one of the previous failed Booker's. Maybe even the martyr who died in the Columbia revolution.
THe Luteces didn't do ANYTHING, save for taking the body and putting it there. The "Don't mess up" was more of a tongue-in-cheek warning "Or else you'll end up like THIS Booker who came before you", However they knew Booker would interperet it as a mafia threat, which still served their purposes in the end.
THe Luteces have a perverse sense of humor
Its a spy Comstock sent to stop Booker, the Leutces did kill him. There was a voxophone in their Lab that said they had to take care of something at the lighthouse.
sharebible close to his body opened to a chapter about the man who guards the pathway to heaven
Then they must be the dumbest people in the world. There are three bells on top of the lighthouse. The combination is to ring one once, then the other two twice. The first bell lights up when you get it right, as does the second. You get infinite tries. I cannot believe the stupidity of a combination 'lock' like that. Made no sense at all. He had to be a guard. Guarding the dumbest 'secret' entrance in the world.
shareFrom what I recall when I played the game a couple months back they don't ever explicitly say who the man in the lighthouse is. The first time I played it I assumed it was one of Comstock's men, whom I'm still pretty sure it is. Since the only ways to get onto Columbia are these rocket-lighthouses it would make sense for Comstock to have people guarding the only ways onto his perfect city. Plus somewhere in the lighthouse (near the body I think) there's a map of the 1912-era United States nailed against the wall, and there's a few tacks in the map with string running around each of them. I always assumed that the tacks represented the other rockets, and that the string was Columbia's route across the U.S., which would further suggest it was Comstock's men in the lighthouse.
After the first time I played Bioshock Infinite and saw the ending, the second time I briefly wondered if that was one of the previous Bookers who'd been interrogated and killed by Comstock's men. However, if Comstock's men had stopped him before it doesn't make sense for them to not continue guarding the rocket. Some others have suggested that the Luteces had interrogated one of Comstock's men and killed him, which I guess makes sense. I can't really picture either of the Luteces overpowering and torturing someone, they seem really proper and not physically able to but there's always the possibility they had someone else (like a previous Booker) do it. Someone posted that there's a voxophone about the Luteces having business at the lighthouse, which is either them neutralizing the guard or them taking Booker to the lighthouse.
Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.