MovieChat Forums > Office Christmas Party (2016) Discussion > Reviews indicate that this is --

Reviews indicate that this is --

-- one of those modern comedies that feels less "written" than it does "ad libbed" by a cast of talented improv performers.

What's the matter with that, you ask?

Funny is funny, right?

Because who CARES if this movie is more interested in "random" humor and in funny people riffing and spouting non sequiturs than it is in telling us an actual funny story!

Funny. Is. Funny.




Because who CARES if this movie is more interested in "random" humor and in funny people riffing and spouting non sequiturs than it is in telling us an actual funny story!

Trust me, a sh@#load of people care even though you clearly don't.

When filmmakers put ZERO effort into the movie they're making and decide to take the lazy and easy route, that's a huge problem.

The issue with modern mainstream comedies of today is that they are lazy, lowest common denominator products that rather rely on raunchy and crude humor to get by instead having something that has some form of style, wit or cleverness.

Office Christmas Party could have been actually something good but they took the easy way out in order to make a quick buck.

We want actual quality comedies, low-brow or otherwise...or some form of attempt of quality.


Even though I clearly don't??

You need to read my original post again. Particularly the very last word.

My friend, I agree with everything you wrote in your reply.

In fact, I'll bet I despise crude, infantile (yet still somehow fashionably PC) lowest-common denominator filmmmaking even more than you seem to.

A clever, witty, well-structured comedy is a thing of beauty and a joy forever, but they just don't seem to make them anymore.


I read this on a bus on my android so I may have missed that last part.

My mistake.


I might end up checking this one out in theaters despite the relatively unfavorable buzz on it.
