MovieChat Forums > The Last Days on Mars (2013) Discussion > question about how they got infected

question about how they got infected

I get the whole classic blood-borne angle. If they bite you, etc.

But a couple of times in the movie people got infected when they were merely stabbed by the others. Why would a zombie stabbing you automatically infect you?

It's not like they were dripping with ooze. It would seem possible to take a pair of scissors in the leg quickly and not get infected.



That is one of the things that bothered me the most. One guy got infected just by having his neck grabbed, I could maybe buy that his skin got gouged by the infected's finger nail but in turn the guy infecting him had only gotten hit with an ax blade that had never touched the zombie. Then the scissors incident as well as the guy who got drilled.

The only thing I can think of was that once the zombies got in it became airborne but you needed to have your skin punctured for it to enter your body, apparently it couldn't simply enter through the lungs. How knows, maybe it was a rather important detail that was lazily cut out of the final film.


Bacteria all over the skin, the handle of the axe, the scissor tips, etc

"Tell me who you are"


I was wondering the same thing


Yeh that irked me too, one of the many flaws in this film


It was in the air,so once the skin breached got you got infected. I wasn't bothered about that aspect, it was the script that was awful. Some of the lines were dreadful.


It infects like the flu does. The Serbian guy got it just by falling down into a pit.

Well, does it really matter? It's a `zombie` movie.
Those `astronauts` injected antibiotics into the vein of a dead person with no pulse and expected it to work.
What's worse is, it worked.

There is no logic in zombie movies. In Walking Dead, we see fresh red blood oozing out of of zombies, or in World War Z, they run faster than Roadrunner. There is no integrity in the zombie world.


I assume its in the air but too weak for your immune system and needs an open wound to successfully enter. Sex may do the trick as well.
Kissing and holding hands is okay.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!
