Starting to get sick of this
Red Planet, Mission to Mars, Doom - Everybody that goes to Mars dies.
Your world must have very dry literature.
Red Planet, Mission to Mars, Doom - Everybody that goes to Mars dies.
Your world must have very dry literature.
I know what you mean. Ever since I was a child, Mars has always been my favorite planet. I remember thinking at 7 or 8 years old that if I ever got there I would eat some dirt so Mars would be in me. (I was sure somehow I came from Mars, but my folks didn't agree) I might be dating my self here a bit but my first heart break was Invaders From Mars - . Then: which is The War Of The Worlds. However I did get a kick out of: Mars Attacks.
I liked this movie here of course. But admittedly I'm a bit bias.
Those you mentioned as well.
I read all the Kim Stanley Robinson books and Ben Bova's Mars (I liked that. -I have a suspicion he's from Mars too- :-)
Wouldn't it be great if something nice happened on Mars?
Well, something nice did happen in Mission to Mars, but people got killed before it happened.
Your world must have very dry literature.
Your right. If I'm not mistaken it was the origins of man. As it turns out, it could be close to the truth. Right?
You know the movie Prometheus speaks of the notion as well. 'Off World Origins'
I don't mean to sound like a weirdo but personally I'm beginning to believe this is true.
You are a weirdo. Don't take this the wrong way (because I truly do think you're a weirdo, but here I will suggest something normal), I would suggest you read Stranger in a Strange Land being so obsessed with Mars.
shareWell John Carter went to Mars and didnt die. Though lots of Barsoomians did. Too bad the movie botched so much.
Martian Chronicles was all over the place. People died, martians died, people lived. Earth died...
And there is of course Wizard of Mars where the only deaths might be yourself depending on if you can make it through the movie or not. aheh.
Whats more annoying with Last Days is that its really just another damn zombie movie in sheeps, or martians, clothing.
Yeah, but unfortunately, the more realistic summer popcorn movies I mentioned got more press.
Your world must have very dry literature.
I bet you don't get sick of gargling...
shareThat's because Mars sucks donkey balls.
shareThe planet is red, the colour of danger, and Mars is the god of war...
No one is going to make a film about how kittens are native to Mars and floated to Earth on marshmallow clouds.
Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!