MovieChat Forums > Quantum Leap (2022) Discussion > This show is WAY more "colorful" than th...

This show is WAY more "colorful" than the original... In an AWESOME way!

That's not meant to be an insult... This show doesn't just "represent" people of different races and cultures like the original series did... It friggin EMBRACES them! From the genderqueer co-star in Ian, to the "former leapt into boss in Magic (a black man), to the Indian culture of the family in episode 13, and more... This reboot has taken the minor culture shifting episodes from the original show and turned that shit up to 11 in the reboot. That's not merely "wokeism"... It's literally CELEBRATING people of all walks of life... That's what television SHOULD be doing. We're all different, coming from different cultures, economic backgrounds, etc... And this show is showing how much that ENRICHES our society... ENJOY it! Seriously.
This reboot has ALL of the elements of the original series, re-imagined into a world that is FAR MORE accepting of differences than people were, even in the late 80s/early 90s... That's pretty amazing if you ask me.
My suggestion to all the viewers of this show: stop thinking of the term "woke" when you see the characters and storylines that arise from the show's creators, and start seeing "celebration." Because that is exactly what this show is doing. And any of you who don't see that this show is celebrating the "cultural melting pot" that America really is, and has been for at least 100 years... You're missing some real GOLD.
I say the writers should keep going the way they are... As long as they plan to bring Sam home by the end of it... :-P
Sorry, but I'm still bitter about the original ending... :-P But I'm open to seeing this show finally "put right what once went wrong" with OG QL and give us Sam Beckett die hard fans the closure we need. :-)
And as I've said in other threads... I'm still not convinced Sam's "happily ever after" isn't in the cards for this reboot. Fingers crossed. :-)


You just made the show sound awful, not awesome. Genderqueer co-star? Fuck right off.


Ssshhh no one cares. ;-)


You just convinced me to give the show a try. I like to watch movies and TV shows which represent different perspectives. Thanks.



Personal opinion; I feel your post will appeal to those who already think like you do, and turn-off those who don't. I don't see it 'converting' anybody.


Maybe... Maybe not. ;-)


wot he said ^ (dr13)

It was a good post , but basically just confirming the modern , um , progressive situation

its basically the opposite of the "I'm BoyCotting This! theres A Black Man In It!!" threads, very refreshing!

The small minority of jerks who write those threads will take it as a warning .


From the genderqueer co-star in Ian

This right here ensures I will absolutely NEVER watch this show.

I occasionally browse this board (infrequently) curious if it's anywhere as unique but grounded as the original, and if it avoids being woke, and your post here basically answers that question for me.

Anything to do with the Rainbow Reich means it's an instant "No!" from me in terms of watchability.


Oh Look, a Trump supporter... *ignores*


Oh boy. Let me explain what the term "woke" means. It's an African-American slang term that dates back to the early '70s---back then, the term used was "Stay woke", which simply meant to be aware of what was going on in the world politically. BLM activists revived it for their protests back in 2014, and it means pretty much the same thing----to be aware of social injustice going on around you, and in the world in general. That is literally all it means. Not whatever nonsense or bull**** fox news or these crazy magahead repubs are telling you it means. The repubs hijacked the term and just slap it on literally anything they don't like, and have distorted the hell out of it almost beyond all recognition for their own political purposes. Most of them don't even know what the term actually means, but they've had no problem using it to scare and rile people up into being against whatever they don't like---which is pretty much everything that isn't white or straight.

The point being, you need to ask yourself why the hell you have a problem with anything that's diverse or inclusive. Especially since white people are not the only people in the world who watch TV, or who want to see themselves on it. TV is 98% white anyway, so why the hell are you even complaining about a show you're not even gonna watch? That right there makes no damn sense at all. There is no such thing as the "Rainbow Reich"--that's just some bull**** you made up. Nobody is making you watch a damn thing you don't want to watch. You're obviously been listening to too much of this right-wing whackjob bull**** from repubs demonizing the hell out of anybody or anything that isn't white or straight. Repubs--especially in the South---are the ones banning black history books, abortion rights, the right of transpeople to even exist, and anything that they can't shove into their narrow-minded, close minded, white male patriarchal mindset. Which is pretty fckg pathetic and outdated here in the 21st century.


The point being, you need to ask yourself why the hell you have a problem with anything that's diverse or inclusive.

It's subversive and disruptive. A tenet in the principles of Cultural Marxism, which undermines the integrity of any modern social infrastructure.

Especially since white people are not the only people in the world who watch TV,

This is true. So why aren't Chinese, Indian, or Nigerian films filled with "diversity" and "inclusion" involving other races where they aren't just cardboard cut-out villains? Why are only majority White nations forced to make their programming "diverse" and "inclusive"?

TV is 98% white anyway, so why the hell are you even complaining about a show you're not even gonna watch? That right there makes no damn sense at all.

I said that I was considering it, but not anymore.

Repubs--especially in the South---are the ones banning black history books,

Which books?

abortion rights,

Good. Unless you're okay with your mother committing post-natal abortion? If yes, then you won't mind her killing you. If no, then you don't actually support abortion rights.

the right of transpeople to even exist,

People who commit self-mutilation exist, yes, but you cannot transform from one sex to the next. It's biologically ingrained during the prenatal period.

white male patriarchal mindset

If they actually had this mindset, Asian men and women wouldn't be the highest earners in the United States:

...and White men wouldn't be some of the highest percentage of dropouts in school:

...and they wouldn't be falling behind women at an exponential rate:



My reaction completely. I'm so sick of this shit.


Sick of what "s***""? Nobody is making you watch anything you don't want to watch. That's why what you just said is so stupid. None of you trolls even understand anything about why diversity is so important to people of color, and you don't care because as white people, you're used to seeing yourselves on TV all the time. Why the hell have you got a problem with seeing anything with people of color and LBGTs in the lead? Especially since shows like that are a very tiny percentage of shows on TV. There are far more diverse shows on streaming channels than there are on regular TV. That's why you claiming you're "sick of this s***" makes no damn sense at all. Get the hell over yourself, please. People of color and LBGTs are real people and we exist. Us being in a show that shows people who look like us shouldn't even be a damn problem for anybody, unless they're a fckg racist. It aint "s***", and there ain't s*** wrong with that.


My comment had nothing to do with people of color, though I will say that forced diversity can go to hell. Also, shows with POC leads are nothing new. A plethora of them already existed decades ago with shows like The Jeffersons, Good Times, The Cosby Show, A Different World and Martin.

In regard to LGBT people, that's different, because sexual proclivities aren't equivalent to race. And homosexuality and so-called transgenderism should not be normalized in society.


@The_Rev (145)

Loved your post! It's tripped out how these trolls on here automatically want to hate a show they're never even seen, just because they think it's not "white" and straight enough for them----despite the fact that literally 98% of the shows on TV are about white people. Screw these haters----I loved the original show---it was one of my favorite programs back in the day. It was very much an inclusive show back then, and the new one is even more so. I like how they tied the new show directly to the past one by giving props to Dr. Beckett, and continuing his work while kind of trying to find him. I've enjoyed this new show so far, and I like the fact that the lead is Asian-American---which is something you rarely see in sci-fi shows or movies---and the fact that the crew helping him get through time are a very diverse group themselves. So far, the episodes I've liked from this new season are when Ben jumps into the body of a Korean-American guy living in L.A. just hours before the 1992 riots jump off, and another episode in the first season, when he jumped into the body of an African-American boxer in the mid-'70s. This new version of Quantum Leap not only picks up from where the original left off, but updates it and honors it. I was hoping that the star of the OG series would be able to make an appearance on this new QL show, and he did actually want to, but somehow that didn't work out. That would have been the icing on the cake for this new series.

But, yeah, I totally agree with you about how open and inclusive this new show is---it just goes to show how much society has changed since the original aired back in the late '80s/early '90s, when I saw it. What has also made the difference in movies and TV being more inclusive is that more writers/directors/producers of color, and more LBGT writers/directors/producers are behind the scenes making real diversity in shows like this happen. That's made all the difference right there. And yeah, this show is definitely a more of a quiet celebration of what a true melting pot our country is and has always been, despite racist haters never wanting to admit that. It's still a great show, regardless.


>>That's not meant to be an insult...<<

Yes it is. SJWs LOVE to sneer at ANY iconic television series, and claim they are "outdated" and "weren't diverse enough" because half the characters weren't gay disabled Muslims.

Well, the last laugh is on you, because the show you scoffed at lasted FIVE seasons, and this turdfest only lasted TWO!
