My Brain Hurts!

This movie seemed to promise so much. Very well respected actors and great scenery hinted that it may have depth. Somehow I couldn't follow the motives for various occurences though. Now, why did the hunter want a tassie tiger? -I know Yosemite Sam was plagued by Tassie Devils, but, surely there are more intriguing creatures to seek out. Also, why were people prepared to kill and be killed in this process? In addition, why have naked minors jumping into the tub to share -I thought that scene cringeworthy.
There was a 'deer hunter' feel about the ending, which seemed to take quite some time to arrive. The lead players in this movie had a disillusioned appearance that seemed to indicate that they would have loved to be involved in a script that made more sense. Funny, but I still enjoyed the movie!

To tennis players love means nothing!


Lucy said that the tiger had some kind of toxin that it uses to paralyze its victims, and the corporation that send Martin (and previouly Jarrah) to look for the animal wanted it presumably to use it as a weapon. Did you miss that?

And the tub scene was meant to feel awkward, in my opinion to show how Martin's personality and way of life are totally incompatible with a situation like that (or so he thought).

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your brain hurts because it was a bullsh!t movie.


bs, u got none

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


You think to much during flicks ... this wasn't a thinker, that's why your brain hurt! :D


You should have done what I did...stop paying attention, movie was watchable for a bit but c'mon it was kinda *beep* too. It didn't really go anywheres and it did this slowly. I feel like it didn't know what it wanted to be, a family drama, a thriller, what!

I didn't get it really either and not because I have no brain because it was just stupid and messy. I didn't care enough about the characters to get it or even try to get it. Very badly written. If a movie has you thinking OK what the hell, why did he, what are they, and so on and so on with no real payoff chances are it sucks. And it this sucked.


The mother and the kids live with-out TV. Believe it or not, sharing a bath of hot water would not be looked upon as strange, especially if the mother and kids have no clue of perverted strangers.



I agree! Very tribal... That's the way I was brought up, until a certain age and, guess what, no weirdness.

We who hear not the music, think the dancer mad...


I thought the bath scene was one of the better scenes. It showed the innocence and lifestyle of these children, and was a bonding experience. He was being thrown into a paternal role whether he liked it or not.

The premise of hunting down this animal was very weak though. Pity, I liked most of the cast and the location.


OP...or foundhorizon or whatever your name dont seem to have been following the movie very much? cause if you had, you would know that the hunter never wanted the tiger, it was the company that hirde the hunter who wanted the tiger...and about you saying "there must be more intriguing animals out there" in the *beep* hell can there be a more intriguing animal out there when the tassie tiger is a legend...its extinct for gods sake and if you are able to find something that are extinct, there isnt anymore intriguing...use your brain...its like finding a dinosaur today cause they are all extinct aswell...atleast what we know of. Stupid asking questions...

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~
