Yeah those evil Japanese taking all our old growth forests for paper! Too bad they import 7 times as much wood for paper from the USA. Australia barely rates in comparison. Yet the fact is, Japan has been our biggest buyer for wood chips. It fits a very convenient activist narrative of the 'yellow peril' on the environment, despite Australian domestic consumption dwarfing total exports, and despite those exports to Japan currently falling due to weak trade.
I remember when Pauline Hanson was gotcha'd by a journalist, before that particularly elusive beast also went extinct. She was going on and on about foreigners buying up all our land and companies, and the response was -- well somebody has to sell it them, you know.
Anyway, the film wasn't about old growth forests, and really it didn't matter in the slightest why the greenies were against the logging and why the loggers were against the suspension of their work.