Why Willem? Why?
Easily one of his worst performances, I almost can't blame him. He obviously owed someone a favor or, at the very least, was picturing a different product. Aside from the fact that almost no research seemed to have been done on tracking, Dafoe never comes close to playing the part. What bothered me most is, here is a lifelong loner, a hired gun, mercenary and within 30 minutes, he's so attached to this strange family, he can't stand to be away. Aside from the ridiculous plot, the character development all goes south in the final 25 minutes. Neill goes from being the ominous shady character that is tracking the tracker, to the weepy, nobody understands what I stand for loner. The mistake filled movie then decides to have the worst and in many ways, most predictable ending possible, but instead of leaving the audience with a sense of wonder, it not only displays it, it drags it out for every pretentious second it can. When it's over, you breathe a sigh of relief and then they actually "go there." I love Dafoe, I like Neill and O'Connor is a solid actress when she actually gets a role, but this was a mess.