A traumatic, sad, yet sweet documentary dealing with the subject.
I saw How To Survive a Plague, We Were Here, and just pretty much every documentary or fictional film that deals with the subject of AIDS. But this documentary, Silverlake Life: The View From Here, was disturbingly sad. I guess because it truly showed the final days of two people in love dying from this disease.
It overcame me.
-The many, many doctor visits they each endured where they're never given any good news.
-Seeing mundane activities that most people consider a chore become total obstacles.
-Watching one of them literally deteriorate from the beginning until the end and fading away mentally and physically.
It's very much about what the disease does and how two lovers/best friends live with it and through it together on a daily basis.
I watched it on Youtube:
I really, really suggest watching it. I'll never forget it. I warn you it's NOT pleasant. It gets pretty in-your-face with the medical stuff and the death.