MovieChat Forums > Mirror Mirror (2012) Discussion > The game at the beginning

The game at the beginning

Does anyone know what game the queen was playing at the beginning of the movie? It appeared to be chess or battleship but, the latter of the two who require the pcs to be hidden. Just wondering, my wife and I have a bet on this and I hope I'm right.


It looked like human chess to me. Definitely not battleship.


I think it was a combination of the two. It certainly wasn't straight chess. There are no ships in chess. And I don't play chess, but the squares they were calling sounded like bingo squares rather than chess squares. The floor wasn't a chess board. It may have been the filmmakers' attempt to create an old-timey version of human battleship since it was a comedy and human chess has been done in several films. Like they were spoofing that.
