MovieChat Forums > Mirror Mirror (2012) Discussion > Things We Learned from Mirror Mirror

Things We Learned from Mirror Mirror

1. You should marry the first person you kiss as soon as you turn 18.
2. It is socially accetabile to only wear three dresses as a queen.
3. Grasshoppers will have their way with you.
4. You can become a master swordfighter in one montage.
5. It's okay to steal as long as you give it to the poor.
6. Dwarves always have a spare key.
7. Princesses do not have access to eye brow wax.
8. You can have magical powers but you still have to pay the bills.
9. Marrying a barron is a fate worse than anything.
10. Dwarves always have tons and ton of women's clothing.

“It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper.” - Errol Flynn


1. If attacked by giant puppets, do not throw tomatoes at them or they will become eyes allowing the giant puppet to see.
2. If you hide under a woman's bustle, it will detach from her. Then you have to keep running back to her to stay hidden.
3. Always check the label of the love potion to see if it has a picture of puppy on it.
4. Dwarves make strong doors. Ask if they have a key.
5. If an evil queen takes over... instant ice age.
6. A good place to make your home is in a giant stump that is totally open to the sky on top because...
7. You can hang half naked in the snow for a long time, without ever getting cold enough to even get a goose bump.
8. If your aid brings back your enemy's organs in a bag, check the back for sausages because he may have bought the organs at the butcher shop.
9. If your mentors tell you to never give up the high ground, don't constantly be giving up the high ground.
10. It really is Snow's story after all.


21 snow white has bushy eyebrowz like oscar da grouch

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


22. In kingdoms, half-naked guest/s can be presented in front of the queen. Nobody but the queen is to order of a dress-up before the guest/s is set to appear before her.


23. How NOT to edit a movie
24. How NOT to incorporate CGI and live action
25. $78 million dollars can't seem to make a film "low-budget" proof.
26. I can actually like a version of a movie/story with Kristen Stewart better than one without her.


Technically the Queen stole the money due to all the taxes she placed on the people. When Snow realized the dwarves had taken the money from the Queen, she pointed out that they were also stealing from the people. She then returned the money (from the latest tax), but gave the credit to the dwarves.

Ben Grimm forever!


Number 5 is true, right? lol....

"We're gonna need a bigger boat"....


Taken from an earlier thread on the same topic:

27. Hypothermia doesnt exist.
28. People dont bleed when you hit them on the face with a club.
29. 18 was the most important birthday in times when most girls had 3 kids by that time.
30. When two royalties marry, they organize the event in the same spot 3 years old kids would celebrate a birthday. And they only use two guards.
31. Guards and soldiers dont use armor (or any clothing suitable for winter), only identical helmets to hide their identity.
32. Medieval tax collectors used the term "tax dollars".
33. The kingdom has roughly equal number of rich people vs the poor.
34. It only requires a village of a few dozen people, 100 at the most to sustain a kingdom.
35. The queen will need to take money from the people to pay for the food, wine, whatever, that are provided by the people.
36. The evil queen should really do a better job of hiding her magic's weakness.



43. Blood does not in fact rush to your head after being hung upside down.
44. You will not be noticed wearing a yellow cloak when everyone else is wearing browns/greys.
45. Feet do not actually sink into the snow, they just glide over it.


If you're a prince who's just fallen in love with a princess you will still believe the 'crazy' queen over the lovely princess!

