I Adore This Film
Obviously it's cheesy and ridiculous and some of Snow White's costumes are laughable, but I enjoy watching it. It's kind of cute. Call it a guilty pleasure.
Side Note: If the Queen really did want to be the most beautiful woman forever, all she'd have to do is let Snow's eyebrows run their course.
I like Armie Hammer. I don't have a problem with his acting, and he was meant to play funny roles like this, in my opinion, plus, he's super attractive. Cloaks definitely work for him.
I liked this way more than Snow White and the Huntsman. It seemed almost too forced of a story, like it was trying to hard to be different. Or, maybe, it was just Kristen Stewart's acting. I used to get annoyed when people said she was a bad actress until I actually started paying attention to it and found out people were telling the truth.
I think I could on and on with what I thought about this film, but I think I'll just rejoice in the knowledge that Sean Bean survived this movie.
James Oglethorpe: Philanthropist by day, Philanderer by night