30,000 years ago? Oh really???

There are people who believe that the Earth is only 8,000 years old. If you live in Canada or the US, you probably know some of them. I wonder how they react to a project like this or similar projects where numbers much larger than 8,000 are bounced about.

Do they simply ignore the numbers and look at the drawings? Do they feel pity for the film makers and others whose idea of human history is so wrong?

Or do they avoid films like this because their pastor already told them to?


The die hard christians probably wouldn't like this movie since it flies in the face of the literal interpretation of the bible. Maybe not even a literal interpretation. Perhaps a retarded interpretation.

These are some movies of mine. Enjoy!


I thought the same thing while watching--Here we have paintings made by people before humans invented God as we know him today.


God altered the isotopes so it looks like it is old. Easy...


Well if your in the bible belt of the USA I would imagine it would probably piss a lot of people of.

For everyone else thats a theist it be more like, yeah about time everyone else catched up. wow you would think its obvious the world is older than 20,000 years shame that a documentary needed to be made to confirm these things for the rest.

Similar to the discovery by scientists that ants actually talk to eachother, for the muslims that's like 1500 year old news it's in their Koran, for everyone else thats a new discovery.

Only insecure people would avoid a documentary like this.
