Have I missed the 3D boat?
Typically skeptical about 3D I didn't go to see this in that format, but having just watched this on the telly, I'm kicking myself. While you get a real sense of what it must be like from the 2D, and I was mesmerized by the way the pictures moved as the camera changed angle, I was also left with a feeling that I was missing out on the detail. Never more so than when the lights moved round in one shot, from being head on to the picture, to being lit from the side. As the light moved, the form of the wall became apparent from the way the shadows shifted, but also the texture sprung out, as the stippling of the surface showed up as a constellation of pinprick shadows. I almost cried at the realization that I'd missed my chance to see this really brought to life.
So, have I? Has anyone come across a 3D screening years after first release? If it's out there, I'll do what I can to get there.
Stunning photography. As ever Werner kind of gets in the way of a great film, but expected that - I just want to see this again, the way it was supposed to be.