There's no way you survive that lol
Let me start off by saying the movie was stunningly beautiful, and quite entertaining. The amounts of "Oh *beep* I had was pretty cool for a movie in this day and age.
That being said....
Leo's character got:
-Mauled by a bear - his neck, arm and back completely ripped to pieces and had to be sown together, in the field, with a dirty needle and thread.
-His back got trampled on by a by a beer.
-His leg was completely messed up, possibly broken.
-Then he's semi-burried alive, adding dirt to all your kneck wounds.
-Then a day later (after sleeping out in the open in sub-zero arctic temperature) he crawls for miles is steep snowy terrain.
-A day later he magicly walks again.
-Then he's hunted and almost caught by warrior indians
-Then he's carried away in a frozen river without suffering Hypothermia.
-Then he's shot at by the french.
-Then he falls off a huge cliff, which instantly kills off his horse, but not him.
-Then he sleeps in the cold again, but this time inside his frozen dead horse.
-Then he's in a knife fight with the villian where he gets stabbed through his bum leg (which is fine again) His hand, and got his ear bitten off.
Even if this guy had 9 lives it wouldn't have been enough.
He surived Hypothermia, massive blood loss, mass infection and huge falls in the field.
Still a cool movie, but DAMN! lol.