I gave it a (generous) 5/10. Here's one reason why.
The acting was fine, though many scenes were cheesy. But if this was supposed to be about an outsider and other 'misfits' it totally failed - he immediately fell in with what seemed to me to a cool set of people who immediately thought he was great too. Consider say the start of the first Spider-Man movie - I bought that Peter Parker was an unpopular, bullied misfit, so I cared. This guy, the movie tells me he's shy and awkward in some scenes but he's very soon at a cool party taking a hash brownie and charming a bunch of attractive girls and a large group of self-assured but nice - i won't say 'hipsters' but that's closer than any idea of outsiders or social misfits. Thus the whole set-up of the film felt off. I'd have taken to the film much more if i felt these people *were* unpopular outsiders. Instead they seemed like the cool set. So my question is, if you liked it or not, did you buy this crowd were 'misfits' as they claimed? He landed on his feet from the start, total acceptance from a large clique with cool taste in music who must have felt superior in many ways to the regular joes at school even if they weren't 'normal' by other standards. I was bored by the movie too, it seemed immature and had little to say - but I'm curious who felt these people were in any way 'outsiders/misfits' (I've overused those terms now but can't think of other synonyms right now).