I reckon a lot of people fail to pay heed nowadays is because of the stress of their daily lives. It's not like yesteryear when a man could support himself, his stay-at-home wife and his growing family all on one income, and afford to buy a home to suit, car, go on annual holidays, etc. Nowadays one income is barely enough to support one person let alone an entire family!
That is a pathetic excuse. It is indicative of how little importance is placed on appreciation of history. Most people today are soft, whining babies. They look back twenty years and they think they know everything. Go back 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 4,000 years. Life is better and easier now than it has ever been for humans. Especially in first world countries.
They cry with their cell phones, smart pads, computers, air conditioning, grocery stores, 24 hour convenient stores, privately owned cars, 24 hour police, fire and medical services --- about how hard life is. I just want to punch them in the face. These weenies wouldn't last one week --- in the year 1900 --- much less farther back in history.
Re my right to vote I choose to not vote primarily because of my religious and philosophical convictions i.e. I'm a Christian so I feel my beliefs and values are increasingly under attack and under-represented by those put forward by TPTB to "represent" me. If there was a suitable candidate that I feel did adequately represent my values I'd be more than willing to vote for him or her. And another reason for my abstention is I don't want to have a guilty conscience (which I've experienced in the past when I have made the poor choice of voting someone who was later to be revealed to be of questionable character) and vote for "the lesser of two evils" or "the evil of two lessers" who promise the voters heaven and earth, but once elected renege on their campaign promises even to the extent of lying about what they said or meant all just to appease their own party faithful and tow the party line.
I am a Christian also. A devout one. But, if you live in the USA, you should know we have separation of church and state. My religious beliefs are separate from my civil responsibilities and obligations.
The first European pioneers risked and lost their lives coming to America because they were trying to escape the Church of England. The Church of England "was" the law in 16th century England. People were persecuted, arrested, imprisoned and executed for being "suspected" of not believing what the Church of England demanded everyone believe. They wanted freedom of religion and freedom from religion. That is why the Constitution says there shall be no state religion. We don't live in a theocratic oligarchy like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan.
My religious beliefs are very important to me. But they have no place in politics or law. So, as long as a politician is in favor of equal rights and individual freedom, I am happy.
If you want to force your religious values on other Americans, you are in the wrong country. Religion is a private matter. To be decided on by each individual. Not a requirement forced on citizens by a religious power.
LOL! Yeah on the election campaign their sole concern is how to get as much votes from the people as they can until they're elected to office; and once in their main concern switches to how to get as much money from the people as they can to make a comfortable living for themselves in retirement! I know I might come across as a cynic when it comes to "our" representatives, but that's cos I've lived long enough to see "there's nothing new under the sun."
Well, the public collectively has more money and political power than any corporation or special interest group. And to be honest, those corporations and special interest groups are comprised of individuals who have private citizen concerns. So, the corporations, special interest groups and lobbyists have no chance against a united public.
True, but I feel our society has grown so apathetic of late that I feel our ancestors would've not tolerated half as much as what our generation sadly do...and so we have problems that are growing endemic to the point of paralysis and no one is bold enough to stand up and say, "Enough of this madness!" Instead we perpetuate it tweaking it a little here and there, but in essence nothing changes and most throw their hands up in the air and give up if they try to change the system from within because it's all too hard so they end up following the mantra, "If you can't beat 'em join 'em!" And this just makes the problems for the next generation doubly worse...
Well, like I said before, if society has grown so apathetic, irresponsible and disconnected that they allow this country to go down the toilet, they have no one to blame but themselves.
As a Christian, when I die, God is going to judge me based on my life. Not on the lives of a bunch of apathetic, irresponsible disconnected Americans. So, I don't worry about things I am not responsible for.