not good enough for ID purposes? If I were William, I'd be immediately digging up old photos and showing them to everyone so they wouldn't think I was crazy or pining for a list love. There's no way a mole would be in the exact same spot on the daughter!
Why? If you really think about it is much more plausible for a woman to look exactly and have the same beauty marks as her mother than to believe it is actually the same person that hasn't aged a day since you met them 45 years or so ago.
Also, he wouldn't have reacted like that, it would have been out of character.
True. Sure you might be surprised but the last thing you would think is something suspicious going on. If you are normal that is. If you are a conspiracy theorist or heavily into Sci Fi maybe.
"There's no way a mole would be in the exact same spot on the daughter!" ...YES THERE IS. I am the living proof of that, and I am NOT talking about our nipples..LMAO !!!