What was the point of Amanda Crew as sister Kikki?
It seems like they wasted money paying her for that role that did absolutely nothing.
Was there some deleted scenes or something?
It seems like they wasted money paying her for that role that did absolutely nothing.
Was there some deleted scenes or something?
The actress must have been in town for the day and happened upon them filming.
sharewhat can I say, I also like Amanda and I've been dissapointed she played such a small part.
shareI have no idea. Maybe in some older version of the script, the sister plays a role -- advises her brother, or makes friends with Adaline.
Frankly, this had no point and should have been cut from the final movie. (Additionally, the actress looks far too old to be the sister of the male protagonist! certainly too old to be a Berkeley student.)
I agree. They should have revealed that the sister's name was Adaline and that the father named her after his long-lost love.
shareI know it's been a while since OP but I believe the sister was ok until they showed her way too many times during William's speech as if Adaline and Ellis suddenly weren't the main story anymore...