Young William Jones...

Anthony Ingruber/Young William Jones struck me more as a young Dennis Quaid than a young Harrison Ford.

Harrision Ford, other than graying like a arboreal depleted mountain, has maintained his basic structure. If you see him in Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round, the structure of the features have barely changed.

Anthony Ingruber came across as a marginally younger Dennis Quaid in The Right Stuff, smirk and everything.

Damion Crowley
All complaints about my post go to Helen Waite.


Do you remember seeing Ford in "American Graffiti"? He has a smirk in that movie which seemed to me a lot like we see the actor exhibiting here. To me he reminded me very much of a young Ford.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Take a risk, Take a chance, Make a change. Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway


I have seen American Graffiti, but it has been awhile(probably over a decade). I would have to see it again to refresh myself.

Damion Crowley
All complaints about my post go to Helen Waite.


Here is the classic shot from that movie that reminded me of the young actor in "Adaline":

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Take a risk, Take a chance, Make a change. Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway


I agree completely. As soon as I saw the younger actor, I immediately flashed on Ford's character in American Graffiti. He even sounded like Ford -- so much so that I wondered if his voice was dubbed by Ford.


Yeah, he was good. I've been a Ford fan my whole life and thought it was a good imitation, if not a full performance. He certainly nailed the young Ford vibe.

There was a kid on YouTube a couple of years ago that did a read of the cantina scene in Star Wars. He looked just like this guy. I wonder they're the same person?


It's the same person! Anthony Ingruber.


Ha! That's great. That's good to see he turned his Ford appreciation into a paycheck. Very cool. It worked quite well for this flick. That's probably a very interesting story in itself. I would imagine he got to spend a little time with Ford to prepare.



Well obviously they couldn't deage Harrison. They guy they got is the best they could,possibly do


Well, nowadays they _could_ "deage" Harrison... make a younger face and face-map it on another actor.

At first I _almost_ thought that's what they did. This guy's Harrison Ford impersonation was fascinating..


He was close enough. The film is so *beep* that its irrelevant


I thought they did a great job at casting the young "William".

Often when I see movies of a character being depicted when they are younger, there is no resemblance whatsoever. This is one of the better ones I have ever seen.


Agree, And what sold it was the astounding sound-alike.

Similar thing in Trumbo. They got a real sound-alike for John Wayne, and a visual ringer for Kirk Douglas.


Hey at least we now know that Ingruber can be passable for a young Dennis Quaid also, so he can do impressions of him also instead of creating his own characters and doing some real acting for once.
