MovieChat Forums > The Age of Adaline (2015) Discussion > So she has the secret to stop aging,

So she has the secret to stop aging,

immortality, something special that could help so many people, everyone, but she decides to keep that to herself so she can live a quiet life.
Lovely sense of community spirit there.


She had no idea what happened to her body after the accident. She wanted to have a normal life so she keeps her secret tight. It's not a gift that she could share with anybody but a curse she had to carry in 80 years. The naration helps audiences understand the scientific reason but the character herself had no clue why or how she remains ageless after 10 years or more. Only then she firgured out she has this bizzare gift.


she had the secret to immortality, that was obvious, and she kept it to herself.


the secret to immortality would be discovered in somewhere 2050. havent you listened to narrator? lol


She doesn't know what happened to her after either accident. The circumstances that lead to both life changes were not known to her. The fact she didn't age became apparent to her but she never knew why so didn't have a secret she could bestow on others to do the same.


true but she withheld the ability to discover the cause of the secret by selfishly hiding the break through from others.


It's not selfish not wanting to be held against your will as some kind of human guienapig. Did you miss the part about FBI trying to abduct her?


People too often forget that the greedy will happily sacrifice your life for the so-called greater good. Translated that means the wealthy corporations will make a ton of money on your sacrifice instead of freely sharing it with everyone.


she doesn't think it's a good thing. it's like Death Becomes Her.. immortality is not always good.


yes, and her stupidity and misunderstanding of what has happened to her keeps this secret from helping others, although it does say in the movie that a few years later they discover the secret to it without her.


I'm not sure how her "condition" would help others.

She's not immortal, as incorrectly stated many times on this board. She just doesn't age, so she's not going to die of old age, and she maintains her fabulous looks. She isn't immune to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or anything else. She's lucky she's "stuck" in a healthy 29-year old body. The world would not benefit from this condition. Overpopulation would be rampant.


Immortality is a curse. Why would she want others to endure that?


in what way is not dying a curse?
And she wasn't immortal, she just didn't age. if she'd been popped into a meat grinder she'd be dead.
She had the secret of getting the body to regenerate itself and keep itself youthful and in fit condition. That's what she kept to herself.


Nobody wants to live that long. 50-70 years is more than enough for those of us struggling from day to day.

Not to mention the population explosion that would bring us famine, disease and war.

Gtfo of here with your hell on Earth fantasy.


in what way is not dying a curse?

When the people around you are dying and you have to watch your CHILD grow old and get closer and closer to death. When you know that if you ever get close to anyone you'll have to eventually watch them get old and die and that you are ultimately completely alone in the world. When the government is trying to lock you up and perform painful experiments on you which means you have to constantly be on the run to avoid them. When the life that you loved (it is pretty clear she lord her time when she was younger more than modern life) is gone and dead in the past.


Well if she'd just stumped up to some ethical scientists she would have been able to share her anti aging secret.
You've describes how not dying compared to others dying is a curse, I said in what way is not dying a curse on a personal level. She remained fit and healthy, didn't have to deal with her body becoming decrepit and failing. Nothing was stopping her killing herself when she had enough. it's not that she was immune to death by catastrophic accident. pop her in a meat grinder and she's as dead as the next accident prone factory worker.
All she had to 'suffer' was her body maintaining her health. oh poor poor her.


For starters, I don't think the concept of immortality is really that helpful, but that's a philosophical discussion that you might not want to get into since it seems you've already made your mind up on it.

She was unconscious and nearly dead when the lightning struck the car, so how could she know what really happened? She may have been able to put together some theory, but it's not as simple as "she has the secret." It was a complicated combination of factors that was given to us by a removed omniscient narrator. She didn't get the same information that we did. All she knows is that she crashed her car into some freezing water and somehow survived.

I can't blame her for being scared of the FBI, especially in a time period when the methods of scientific testing may have been very crude and painful. I doubt that the process would have been humane, and they would have robbed her of her autonomy by locking her up like a lab rat.


I think you're making excuses for bad script writing, although I guess they need it to have a story, otherwise it would be women gets hit by lightning and helps discover the cure for deteriorating bodies, and that would be very boring.


Oh well no argument there, this was not the best writing I've ever seen in a movie! I really didn't love the way that so many of the essential plot points required the cooperation of a whole list of insanely convenient coincidences. There were a lot of moments that necessitated a suspension of my disbelief. But for Adaline to fear the idea of becoming a human science experiment was one thing that did make sense to me...especially when she experienced the drawbacks of her condition firsthand and knew that eternal youth wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.


Actually that's a great idea Rob-o-Cop. Apparently everything else needs a gritty reboot in order to please the ridiculous Millenial generation, why not the common chick flick too?

Movies work within their own worlds. Despite -- or because of -- its flights of fancy (contrivances and all) this movie worked within its own film and genre. More importantly, it had some beautiful cinematography.


The cinematography was beautiful. Some high end expensive shots in there. Made me wonder how they pulled in the good crew on this average movie. The director specialises in this type of film. He must have friends in high places.


otherwise it would be women gets hit by lightning and helps discover the cure for deteriorating bodies, and that would be very boring.
There was no "cure" for "deteriorating bodies". Time stopped magically for one woman who was 29 years old and blessed to be healthy and look like Blake Lively with money and a gorgeous wardrobe and several handsome men who fell in love with her over the course of her 107 years on this planet, and who knew what a curse it was to outlive or have to run away from everyone she loved (including her daughter, and watching her age and die while she still went on) before they discovered her secret.

What would you have said if it was a movie about time stopping for a 75 year old man who had cancer and lived for another 100 years and couldn't die and was doomed to survive in agony? Think living forever then would have been such a bargain??

It's a fantasy. And the best part is the end...when she finds the gray hair and is happy and content when she realizes that she will age and grow old with this man that she loves.

immortality, something special that could help so many people, everyone, but she decides to keep that to herself so she can live a quiet life.
Lovely sense of community spirit there.
Oh, Hitler and his ilk deserved that generosity of spirit and sense of community? lol.

Remember us, for we too have lived, loved and laughed


They say right at the beginning that the science behind it wouldn't be discovered until 2035. Pay attention.


My first thought was, "Oh, no... I won't be around, although my Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren will be."

I really enjoyed the film and Blake is perfect casting for the role. Her looks remind me so much of the top actresses of the 1940s. Maybe that was deliberate? I also wonder how many would die if science could manufacture lighting bolts and test further theories?



Ahh, yes... I'm sure, Mr. Rob-o-cop, that had you been in the same situation as her you would have gladly traveled with the shady G-Men, gleefully flown to goodness knows where, and with a song in your heart be subjected to all manner of horrifying experimentations.

All in the name of community spirit!

You sir, are a rare bird and I tip my hat to you.

I, being a normal person with normal survival instincts, would have run like a cat with it's tail on fire. Just like she did.


because the g men thing actually happens in real life...........
There are plenty of people who have unusual conditions and are helped and studied noninvasive in the real world, that's pretty much how it really works.
No g men, just small time universities studying and helping.


Wow you're naive.


The G-Men happened in this movie, which is what I thought we were talking about?


sort of, I found it a cliche too far, although this film was chocker full of cliches you had to buy in order for it to make sense.


I'm sure the G-men were written into the script simply to provide a reason for her running and creating new identities every 10 years. It was just a minor plot point to help propel the storyline.


Yeah, you're right, it was just a macguffin to make the shaky story work. I shouldn't scratch at the problems, it just reveals more problems.


Rob-O-Cop, its not explicit in the movie but Adaline has a a great sense of community. Early in the movie she realized that she has the key to make people live forever, and after thinking a lot about the subject she concludes that it wont be good for the planet if people dont die. William tells her that if people stop dying the population of Earth will be around 20 billion in 2020, and she finally decides that she needs to keep her gift in secrecy.

Thats why William became an austronaut, he was searching others planets to people from Earth live. If he ever find another planet, Adaline could share her secret to the world.

I think you kinda missed this part of the movie, I suggest you to watch again this movie. You are getting the wrong picture of Adaline :)



haha, that would have helped it make more sense if it was in the movie, and william knew her secret at the beginning and had the chance to discuss the implications of not aging. probably won't watch this movie ever again though.
