MovieChat Forums > Super 8 (2011) Discussion > Stranger Things comparesment

Stranger Things comparesment

A lot of Stranger Things's rabid fanbase are simply bashing Super 8 claiming that the TV show is superior! Well I think that you can't compare a 7 hours TV show with a 2 hour movie!Of course that the TV show will be more developed and if you compare the first two episodes of Stranger Things with Super 8 the movie is clearly superior to the TV show!The thing is that(I have this opinion for years)that Super 8 would have made a great TV show because there is so much interesting characters and stuff happening in that movie that's impossible to develop all of them in just two hours! For example, the relationships between the characters were much more compex in Super 8.The alienation of Joey and his Dad after the death of his mom with whome he had a much stronger connection, and the fact that the father of the girl that Joey likes was indirectly responsible for the death of his mom which makes their dads to hate each other, than all of the experiments that the US army did on the Alien resulting with a hatred in him towards humanity(even the villain is someone you can fell for and understand) and also the zombie movie that the kids were making is a much more interesting idea(at least to me) that a TV show might explore than playing Dungeons & Dragons!I agree with you that some of the references were great, but some were clearly just forced in and out of place! There was also really good homages to other movies 80s in the visual but there is a thin line between giving homage and "borrowing" an entire visual shot which sometimes was crossed!All in all my impression for Stranger Thing was good but it isn't the masterpiece that some people claim to be! It was clearly slowburning(which I don't mind)and some events and characters and were overdeveloped while some were plenty of stuff were left underdeveloped!?
