what was the significance of the yellow balloon
what was the significance of the yellow balloon and planting the burlap thing?
sharewhat was the significance of the yellow balloon and planting the burlap thing?
shareAt first, I thought freedom (balloon) and growth (planting a tree). Any other thoughts?
shareIt's from the earlier conversation between her and Jude. When he's telling her she has to give up fighting everyone, he say's she should let go of the fight. She say's 'like a balloon that will just float away', and he say's 'it's not a balloon it's a sandbag you've got to drop for the balloon to get off the ground'.
So when she buries the bag it's a metaphor for her finally dropping that sandbag, letting go of the fight and letting her ballon fly away…or something like that
"Its time, to quote the vernacular, to Rock and Roll!"
thanks.....i had forgotten that part....