Roland has never been white?
SherlockedAndLoaded started a thread that got me thinking. Thankee Sai.
Can anyone point out a specific description of Roland Deschain that SAYS he is white?
The only things I can find are,
1. The description of his "blue eyes". Everyone, even black men, can have blue eyes.
2. Him being referred to as "honky". Detta is out of her mind racist and filled with hate toward the white men that made her so. I'd argue that she is so insane, that she can't even see Roland's black skin, only his blue eyes, which she associates with honky mahfahs!
3. Artist perceptions/renderings of him being a white man.
It really comes down to this. A white man wrote the story. White artists drew the images of the character. White people read the books and then argue about Roland being white or not.
If anyone can find me a description IN THE STORY that says Roland is white, I'll cry your pardon. If not, I'm claiming that Roland Deschain of Gilead has always been a black man, and us white folk have forgotten the face of our fathers!
"Mother Father, Chinese Dentist!"