I went through a few pages and didn't see this topic but I'm sure it must of been discussed before. So is this Actually going to be based on the books or a Sequel to the whole story line? The synopsis sounds like its based on the books but I've read a few places and seen users state here in other forums that its going to be a new story line and a sequel per-say to the novels. Anyone know for sure? Because Judging on the director, and the Screenwriter This isn't looking good at all and if it is indeed a "sequel" They might as well scrap it now. I just don't understand how they went from JJ Abrams, to Ron Howard to this guy. Thanks for any input.
Doug, have you read the series? Calling it a "sequel" is a little misleading because even though it's accurate, this is still- ack, spoilers...
Even though it's a sequel, it's still the start of Roland's story because his story has reset itself with one difference; the Horn of Eld. Since the timeline has reset with a minor alteration, different things can now happen, but chances are they'll happen along a very similar path to the one we originally know from the books.
Hopefully that clears up any confusion. I'm curious about the same thing the Captain is, though. Why the discontent?
Here's what I fear since they're using plot lines from later novels what will they do in the squeals ? you can Have 1 or 2 movies of the KA-tet just trying to get to the Tower, but what will the villains do, just trying to kill them seems weak. I'm worried that if there's sequels they'll do the same thing. EX: they use the breakers story in the first movie, In the Later movies they do it again Except with MORE breakers and better security.
Hi, Lewis! How do you know they're using plotlines from later novels? I very well may have missed something, and I'm point blank refusing to read leaked scripts. I'm just curious.
All the Taheen/vampires/Can-Toi in the cast list, The Dixie Pig shots. Books 5/6/7...
From what I gather so far, they are using some characters and a snippet of the Breakers plot from later in the series in this movie. However, I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing the major plot lines from those books - namely concerning Mia/Mordred and Black 13 - in the first movie. (I'm thinking, assuming the movies get this far, that the reappearance of those characters and the Dixie Pig later on will simply emphasize that ka is a wheel.) Since we're told in DT: V that the Wolves have been raiding the Callas for several generations, it's likely that the Breakers had been hard at work since the beginning of the books - or even long before. For this particular cycle, it seems the filmmakers are just informing the audience of that earlier, as well as showing DT fans what kind of effect the Horn of Eld's presence has on the story as we know it from the books. As such, it looks like we'll end up with a "remixed" version of the source material, where even though the overall path to the Tower might be very similar to the one we know, the sequence of events has been "shuffled," if that makes sense. At least, that's how I look at it.
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There was a good post a while back that listed all the books and what elements were taken from each in order. I think it was gathered from articles and such (not script spoilers), i'll try and find it :) There's an awful lot of taheen, i wonder why no Tull characters have been listed. The Dixie Pig stills look quite flashy , i can see why they'd want to include these parts in the first movie for those not acquainted with the books.
There was a good post a while back that listed all the books and what elements were taken from each in order. I think it was gathered from articles and such (not script spoilers), i'll try and find it :) There's an awful lot of taheen, i wonder why no Tull characters have been listed. The Dixie Pig stills look quite flashy , i can see why they'd want to include these parts in the first movie for those not acquainted with the books.
If it's the thread I'm thinking of, I remember posting a link to a related video in that one. If I find it, I'll post it again. As far as why no Tull characters are listed, my only guess is that they might leave that flashback out for this movie and include it in a later one. But who knows - they may surprise us. As for the taheen, it makes sense to me that they would be present since we're going to see the Dixie Pig. Although, I just remembered something: A taheen was mentioned near the beginning of The Gunslinger, one with a bird's head that ran away from Roland when he called to him. Not sure if that's part of what gave the filmmakers the idea to introduce the taheen early in the movie's story, but it's something to consider. But yes, I agree - the "flashiness" of the Dixie Pig (from what little we've seen of the inside of it, at least) as well as a stylish Walter might appeal to those who are unfamiliar with the story.
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Hey, Sugr! Heya, Tina! Sorry I never got back to it last night!
I know there are a lot of characters from the later books listed on the cast list, but we have no idea just how prominent their roles will be or in what capacity they're being used. I understand concern, but I don't like to make assumptions. I'm doing my best to reserve judgment until I know we have reason to be irked. I remain optimistic even still.
And, yes, Sug, I got back to Roland just last night and you were right about the man with the bird head. I'm so happy to have my books back, but last night I kept forgetting to see if I could replace the Roland I always had in my head with Idris Elba, ha ha! To be honest, though, the Roland in my head was always way too handsome, so I really do need to try and get a more realistic Roland in my mind's eye, whatever skin color he is!
Like you, I'm still cautiously optimistic. "Cautiously" because I'm still wondering what else from the books' cycle they plan to rearrange, alter, or leave out, and how they plan to go about it. But even so, I find myself leaning a bit more toward "optimism" the more I hear about the movie.
And glad to hear you're getting a chance to dive back into the books! I'm currently a little under halfway through DT:VII again and very much in my feels lol. And although I realize this definitely isn't the case for everyone, I've found it pretty easy to imagine Idris as Roland while I'm reading. But regardless of who I've imagined as Roland during previous readings, he's always been at least a little handsome underneath the world-weariness.
:D True, it's mostly speculation for now (waiting for this elusive trailer is killing me!). Oh, Beasts of no Nation was a fantastic recommendation, thanks for that! Idris was tremendous. You're not alone, I always envisioned Roland as quite handsome despite the long, tall and ugly quips. He has an arresting presence imo. Well he certainly has no problems with the ladies throughout the books anyway ;)
Wesker just bumped one which is helpful but i remember another more detailed one too, maybe that's the one? If so, would love the related vid link if you find it :) Curious as to how exactly they will be using the taheen and Dixie Pig, especially with no Susannah yet! But i'm loving the mod goth styling, and Walter does look quite commanding and dapper in the 1-2 pics we've been given.
As for the Dixie Pig, not quite sure how they'll be using it in any way besides the "bad guy base of operations." As for the taheen, I mentioned a while back that I suspected Walter - very likely, along with Sayre - might be using them to help him track down Jake, much like Sayre used them to track down Pere Callahan in Wolves of the Calla. If we end up seeing "lost dog" posters for Jake in the movie, I'm gonna grin so hard lol.
They are using a bit of everything it is a potpourri cluster *beep*. Not to mention it is missing Susannah and Eddie. I can tell they went the Michael Bay route from the leaked trailer. This is just going to be a huge action flick with little substance.
Yeah this is a sequel, sadly. Because actually reading the books and trying to do it right would have been too much effort for everyone involved with this. So they're just slapping some of the names from the books onto unrecognisable characters and events on the cheap.
They should scrap it because it will definitely bomb but no one involved with this, from Akiva 'Batman & Robin' Goldsman to the hack director they hired on the cheap, has any sense or even a working brain between them. Otherwise they would have just adapted the books and made none of the decisions they have with this.