MovieChat Forums > The Dark Tower (2017) Discussion > Palaver: A New Order of Events

Palaver: A New Order of Events

*** Warning: Potential Book Spoilers Ahead ***

So this film adaptation is a sequel to the books. However you feel about that aside (open for discussion, just not the point here), they seem to be embellishing certain aspects from the books and skimming over others. What do you think the new order of events will be and why?

I've been rereading the books, as it had been a few years since my last read. I'm 70 pages in To the Waste Lands - not far from where Jake comes back into the story. Tho I'm not quit there yet, things are coming back to my mind that I had forgotten (the face of my fathers, yes).

It seems that Jake's entrance in the story will begin where he comes in at The Waste Lands? Maybe the story will start with Roland having visions/memories of the major events of The Gunslinger, and Jake also having visions/memories of his part in The Gunslinger. Maybe Jake will join Roland before Eddie and Odetta/Detta/Susannah. I can kinda see how that doesn't really mess with the flow of things too much? Or I'm forgetting details I have yet to reread. It's great to be reacquainted with my old friends and their journey.

What are your thoughts, fellow DT readers? How do you think this film adaptation story will unfold differently than the books?


Well, Jake's return in Waste Lands was an edge-of-your-seat, entirely nail-biting scene for me, but I have a feeling all that will be cut because, as many of us are thinking, Roland might not let Jake fall (meaning he would be with Roland for the Eddie and Susannah's drawings). There are things that seem out of order since seeing the trailer, but it's hard to make sense of everything we were seeing, too. I was a little irked by the line Jake said about Roland being "the one to save the world" or something along those lines, but again, we'll have to see what they've done before passing judgment. Well, I will, at least.

If Jake is with Roland without leaving for a while, I can't imagine it would be that damaging to the story, though it would be sad to miss the killer house coming to life to try and keep Jake from getting through the door. However, I can't think of a way it would mess things up. I mean, things will be different (for instance, will they still be following the beam from Shardik's portal?), but things can still happen reasonably. I'm not sure how Jake would be able to handle Detta... I mean, the scene where Detta had Eddie in Roland's trap was another amazingly tense scene for me. All that would have to be reworked if Jake were there. Ugh, way too many different ways this can go, lol!

My head hurts now. Thanks a lot, Storm! I'll have to wait and see what other people have to say before my head explodes.


A sequel? Pretty dumb thing to say or think. Read the afterword to the last book. Do you know what a cop out is? That's why the series ended like that.


Ok, here's an idea...

What if they don't really plan to deviate from the book stories all that much aside from the origin/introduction? And that origin/introduction is done by Flagg going after Black Thirteen in the WTC thus necessitating Roland to follow him to the Keystone World and allowing him and Jake to meet for (technically) the first time. Then, after they save the world(or at least, ensure that Flagg doesn't get ahold of Black Thirteen), Flagg retreats back to Mid-World. Roland then admonishes Jake to stay in the 'real' world but Jake learns of the Dutch Hill doorway and follows Roland anyway. Then they segue into the story proper as generally presented in the books in the tv series that is supposed to follow.

Basically, I'm saying that, instead of Mort killing Jake and that's why he ends up at the way station in "The Gunslinger", he's following Roland instead after their adventures in NYC but still ends up at the way station for Roland to run into.

If it happens this way, between them already being familiar with each other due to the events of the movie and Roland now not wanting to be the kind of person who'd sacrifice a loved one for his quest(due to his experiences in the previous iterations), there is a good chance he won't let Jake fall when they are under the mountains and this would mean Jake is around for the events of "The Drawing of the Three"(which can help in all kinds of ways like Roland not losing his fingers to the lobstrocities). Of course, this means they'll have to drop the split timeline/Jake's secondary drawing side quest from "The Wastelands" but doing so wouldn't really alter the events to come all that much.

A side effect of going this route is that the entire ka-tet will have much more time to become attached to each other(particularly Roland and Jake; whereas, in the previous iteration, they hadn't really gotten the chance to get properly close until after Jake's second drawing). Also, this would mean that Jake has a lot more time to be trained as a gunslinger which could lead to him being more influential(read 'less likely to die') in the final battles. AND, like I said, maybe this time around, Roland sacrifices himself so that Jake and/or the others in the ka-tet can reach the Tower in his stead with Roland showing his true love for Jake by handing down his guns to him before Roland finally dies.

Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see


I really don't have a clue how the story is going to go because I didn't see a single scene in that leaked trailer that was taken staight out of the books.

The most recognizable thing was Jake crossing over, but he was not being chased, and we know there will be no Eddie there to meet him.

There is also the fact that most of the villains from the later books are in this. What are we to make of that? Will they storm the Dixie Pig without a pregnant Suze there to meet them? Surely they won't free the breakers in this movie.

This leads me to believe two things. We may see a lot more original material than we think, and the story arcs for Eddie and Susannah are going to be greatly reduced.

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying this is going to be bad. Just very, very different.


Yes, it looks like Jake gets there via the house portal rather than through a death jump, but obviously it's going to be without the speaking ring and Eddie's/Jake's keys. I do understand why they would shake up Jake's "drawing" as his first encounter with Roland wasn't through a drawing at all. But I don't understand why they would send him through the house rather than death again.

I still favor the idea of Roland saving Jake beneath the mountain (if that even happens), but I started to realized just how much that changes. I mean, over half of Waste Lands is about Jake and Roland's slow decent into madness as they deal unsuccessfully with their split memories (did die, didn't die! there was a boy, there wasn't a boy!). Will there be no empty lot with the rose? No encounter between young Eddie and young Jake. I loved the khef between Eddie and Jake via dreams, but that would be out the window. AND (probably most importantly) if there is no need to draw Jake, there is no need for Suze to distract a demon in the speaking ring, and ultimately... no Mordred? Honestly? I can't be too terribly disappointed by that. Mordred was an abomination that never should exist in any world, but that seriously changes things. Will Susannah still be pregnant? If she is, will it actually be with Eddie's baby?

Lots to think about!


Well, the events surrounding Jake's drawing can still happen just not because Jake has to be drawn. For instance, they could make it be Eddie who falls victim to a speaking circle much like Jake did in "The Gunslinger" and Roland and Susannah have to distract it in the same way Roland originally did for Jake. As for the rose in the lot, they can always have Roland and Jake run across it sometime during their adventures in the movie. After all, it's always there(being another representation of reality just like the Tower is).

Then again, the movie could very well be the Dark Tower equivalent of "Young Sherlock Holmes" in that it represents a 'what if' scenario that could have happened before the events that are already canon and the movie is just a way to familiarize/introduce the general public to Roland's world before they get into the story proper with the tv series.

Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see
