MovieChat Forums > The Dark Tower (2017) Discussion > How come you trolls don't have any actua...

How come you trolls don't have any actual thoughts of your own?



What makes you say that?


This little boy threatens to leave the board every week....but he can't follow through with any of his "threats".....or back up anything he says.

He wants everyone on the board to acknowledge him (which we have) and he wants to be loved.....
But he is so full of himself that he can't see the forest through the trees.....

Just be nice to everyone, Tyler....and we will embrace you.

I'll speak for myself.....I don't enjoy engaging you in verbal combat.

If you were nice to the rest of us, we would all embrace you. I will even by u drinks all night at the Dark Tower Convention!!!!!

Just start with an act of kindness.

I dare you.


He doesn't appear to do much besides post on this board. Most of the new threads have been started by him.


He can't. I've tried to no end to engage him in actual discussion, as you know first hand, but tyler likes to stick to his 3 main lines of BS and agreeing with anything new Spidey has to put in. tyler is simply a dog chasing cars. He's got nothing and I feel bad for him, which is why a try. A dog with mange, so ugly it's a little cute, but then it bites and you get pissed, but leave a little food out for it. Stupid, I know.


Yeah you guys are proving me wrong with all this thought provoking stuff... Oh yeah, you guys don't think, simply tow each other's misguided Sony line. Hahahahaha. You guys are are pathetic. I can't engage wolfie, he's mentally ill, whereas stormcuck is trying too hard.
