You're right - the music from the trailer does sound very similar to the first 2 seconds of the 9/19 clip (after the first 2 seconds of the 9/19 clip, the "rolling" bass line and horns come in), and I'm sure they're in the exact same key. Although, I think I found the exact chord I heard in the trailer in a related "behind the scenes" video that popped up after I watched it. Here, from 0:07 - 0:10, is a chord with the same "buzzing synth" sound as the 0:04 - 0:10 part of the trailer.
Also of note, in this related video, I didn't hear any horns or "rolling" bass lines in any of music featured. But considering the obvious similarities between the two, I wouldn't rule it out for either movie.
And yes! Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL did collaborate for the Batman v. Superman score. It'll be interesting to hear how the scores for the rest of the upcoming DC movies turn out since I read that Zimmer said he won't be composing for superhero films anymore.