Should I read The Dark Tower Series ?
I'm currently reading Carrie.
Should I commit to the Dark Tower series next ?
I'm currently reading Carrie.
Should I commit to the Dark Tower series next ?
Yes it is pretty amazing and intriguing throughout.
shareOh yeah
shareThe first book is hard for some people to get through i must warn. Picks up in book 2.
shareIt depends on if you like your genres mashed up. It has sci-fi, fantasy, western, romance, drama, suspense, and action all rolled into one. It's the most entertaining thing I have ever read.
shareThe first book was rewritten to be paced a little faster than the original. It also corrects a few inconsistencies that came up with later books. Anyways, the series is amazing, and it incorporates nearly half of King's books in some way.
shareYes. But skip the movie.
The movie isn't out yet.
Edit: Oh, I see...
by mungo-08683
» Sat Dec 3 2016 03:29:35
"Bad with black man Roland."
Hi, Dylan!
It really depends on what you're looking for. Just remember that a 7 (though most people correct me and say 8) book series is a huge commitment. I love it. I'm on the 4th book and seriously milking the experience because I know what's coming up quickly, lol. But that being said, this is my 3rd go around. If it keeps its fans coming back, it's gotta be good.
I agree with some of the previous posters; I have a hard time enjoying the first book in the series, but it's a very important read. It's also a very short novel, so at least it's pretty quick. It's in the 2nd novel where you realize you got something really special going on, and then by the 3rd book, you're usually hooked.
Of course, everyone is different, but I'd definitely give it a shot if the amount of novels in the series doesn't give you pause. It's definitely unique, but I mean that in the best possible way, and many of the fans here can't wait to see what shows up on the big screen.
Have fun whichever way you go. Long days and pleasant nights!
Hell yes
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