Technically, Roland being black...
might not be that big of a deal. For people who actually read the books, you'll remember that Odetta/Detta's biggest beef was with Eddie Dean, not Roland. Yes, she and Roland went round and round in the Drawing of the Three, but not nearly as much as she and Eddie did. Eddie hasn't been cast and I'm assuming they'll cast Eddie as white which would make sure that the racial element that made the books so good would still be there.
As far as Odetta/Detta's dialogue with Roland, are we suggesting that no black person has ever used a racial slur against another black person? Or white against white?
Casting Roland as a (great) black actor could actually work. I was skeptical but the more I look at the interactions between Roland and Odetta/Detta, and then her and Eddie, the more I'm convinced casting Roland as a black actor could actually work.
There's no disputing Idris' acting abilities. I'm curious to see who Eddie Dean is going to be.
🐈 High Their!