I haven't been to McDonald's (or any fast-food joint, really) for a while now, but I know that I would make the trip if I could secure myself an awesome 1/16th scale Oy that barks "Oy!" when you push a button on his back or sweet snarling Detta Walker in wheelchair with working wheels and lifelike plastic chrome finish .
--- It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .
Last night my 4-year-old son was having a blast with a tiny toy from that new movie Sing. It was okay the first time he exclaimed, "Yaaa! We're gonna spice up the stage!" (or something to that effect). However, that was the only thing he exclaimed, and he did so many, many times. I say we need a miniature Roland that says nothing, but instead you get to hear his guns blasting over and over and over. I mean with that feature imagine how much fun kids could have busting out their Shopkins, My Little Ponies and/or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and recreating the Tull Massacre! And can you imagine how much fun a kid could have with nothing but a miniature Eddie and a regular sized teddy bear (with a makeshift satellite dish if the child is a perfectionist, of course)! Hmm... but what sound affect would Eddie come with? I suppose he could have blasting guns but I feel as though we should have some variation between each member of the ka-tet...
I could easily see Charlie the Choo-Choo in a Happy Meal lol. Or maybe Maerlyn's Rainbow toys that light up. Or a singing rose that lights up in the middle of the bloom. :)
Okay, is it totally wrong that I actually thought of a little blonde ragdoll Susan with a disclaimer that it's highly flammable, keep away from open flames?
Never mind. It is wrong. Better start my Hail Mary's...