Oy, The Brave
With all the back and forth about black and white, PC and SJW, I thought we could all take an (Kumbaya) intermission to discuss the most least mentioned member of the Ka-Tet. The undisputed Dan-Tete who can only be labeled a species and not be burdened with a race.
Rarely mentioned here. Owns no thread of his own (or not many), but has nonetheless proven himself to be braver than David the Hawk, and at the end, more fearless than the Ka-Tet as a whole.
I don't know where to start.
One question I pondered while reading the novels (and this question isn't the meaning of the thread), is who was Oy most loyal to?
Jake or Roland?
Hard to say, but don't answer that...I'm just kicking Oy's thread off to a start.
The toughest decision I believe Oy had to make was deciding to stay and fight with Roland after Jake's death.
But this isn't the question or reason for the thread. This thread is just about Oy, and anything you wanna say about Oy.
Black History Will Now Be Accepting Martyrs👮