I'd like to find this out too. If, as Jer says, that it's because it focus's on Jake in the trailer to some extent, then the accusers of this being a YA film forget that a lot of The Wasteland focused on Jake and him finding Roland and the Ka-tet.
Does this make that book targeted at a young audience? To really go for a youth audience it needs to show a lot of media (interviews, magazines, leaked information etc.) aimed at a young audience.
What we have had is an entertainment weekly cover with ELba and McConaughey, interviews from the two, a series of tweets from both, a Charlie the Choo Choo book aimed towards the fans of the books and one picture of Jake. This clearly isn't aimed at a young audience, you need only use google to find out as much.
There's also the fact that if it was aimed at a younger audience, then said audience would go out a buy the books. The books feature killing, rape, derogatory slurs and other things that would put them off straight away so it's just bad business to do so. I have enough trust in a billion dollar corporation not aiming a series of adult themed books at a young audience so that they can make more money than I do a few naysayers on an internet board with nothing better to do than point out that this isn't what they wanted whilst throwing their toys out the pram. It'll be adult themed but it just happens to feature a child (as have many other films and tv series), if featuring a child makes it aimed at a young audience, I refer these people again to the books.
I would love to know what other reasons people have for saying its targeted at a younger auience, genuinely. if it ends up being so, I'll still see it - I love the books! I'm a fan of the series and the graphic novels (which definitely weren't aimed at a young audience and well worth a read). If anyone can enlighten me, I'd much appreciate it (again, genuinely).