MovieChat Forums > The Dark Tower (2017) Discussion > Stop Trying To Foment A Race War!

Stop Trying To Foment A Race War!

It's getting really annoying.



Ditto to that it's getting REALLY OLD & IGNORANT!!!!!


I agree, Hollywood should stop fomenting a race war


And futile.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


You ever notice that the people who bring up this "race war" are typically themselves racist?

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


you ever notice that people who accuse others of racism are always gay pedophiles?


I wonder of right-wingers will boycott this movie. Their boycotts of The Force Awakens and Rogue One worked out swell.

Movies I've Seen:


I'm sorry but it's the Liberals who have been race baiting for the last few years. If there is going to be a race war blame them for dividing everybody.


The irony of this post! 100/100

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It would appear that there are quite a few snow flakes in this thread that may require a safe space.


lol talking about safe spaces.. It seems to me that conservatives are the ones that get offended easily.. Just look at their god Donald Trump .. so f'ing thin skinned anytime someone criticizes him he gets on twitter and crys like a 15 year old girl.


For real---donnie boy constantly throws a s*** fit whenever someone's not kissing his a** and stroking his ego every five minutes. He thinks the press is obligated to suck up to him (which is not even their damn job) and not question a damn thing he does or says, no matter how stupid and ignorant it is. And when they do question him and call him on his bull****, he screams, "You're fake news!" like a little spoiled-a** brat child. In fact,one senator recently said that he acted like a five-year child because he keeps changing his mind half the time, saying dumb s*** and having everyone scramble to figure out what the f*** he said in the first place.

To the OP:
Also, there ain't a damn thing with a black actor being cast in the The Dark Tower---so all you haters and right-wing nuts screaming and pulling their hair out because, for just this ONE film, the main hero isn't white for a change, need to just STFU, and quit your damn whining about it---it's already a done deal. Plus, the original cowboys were in fact, black and Mexican men, not white men--so the casting make good historical sense,at least. Plus, practically EVERY horror and fantasy action film is dominated by white people 99% of the time. So what the hell are y'all complaining about? Look it up,people.

And the OP is actually crazy enough to think that casting a black actor in this film is going to start a "race war"? Seriously, you're out of your damn mind. Get the f*** out of here with that stupid racist shit,please. Unlike your crazy racist a**, I'm looking forward to this film, and I will have a good time watching it. You aren't even going to see it, so how can you say whether it's any good or not? Plus it's not even out yet into the summer, duh. .


Enough blaming the liberals for every damn thing that goes on in this country. Don't act like you right wingers haven't stirred the pot where that's concerned. The reality is, racism has been a problem literally since this country began--and that's been at least just over 500 years ago. So,no, the problem with race wasn't started by any liberals, it was started by white people when they brought black people to this country as slaves, and made cheap labor out of and discriminated against everybody else that wasn't white. This country has ALWAYS been divided by race since it began,so stop acting like racism is something that just popped up yesterday, or that it's something black people just made up out of nowhere---which it isn't. Racism is as American as cherry pie (forgot who said that quote, might have been Malcolm X or somebody else. who said that.) Read a history book before you start making stupid statements that clearly show your ignorance about anything to do with race.
