MovieChat Forums > The Dark Tower (2017) Discussion > Wonder if Arcel's career will go the sam...

Wonder if Arcel's career will go the same way as Josh Trank's when this bombs.

Both share many similarities. Both are adapting something they have no knowledge or respect of, both pull a cheap PC casting stunt. Both played the race card the second anyone complain and this will be just as much of a bomb as Fantastic Four.
So I'm predicting a similar career death, and it will be deserved for cr*pping all over the chances of ever getting a good Dark Tower adaption.


Fantastic Four had a black character? All I remember of that is Jessica Alba with her generic sidekicks. Still worth a watch because Jessica Alba. Same applies to literally all Amanda Seyfried movies. But none of the Scarlett Johansson movies. Those are just way too bad.


He's talking about the reboot no one went to see, lol!


Actually Jessica Alba is, I believe, part black. But I love how our arachnid friend still (STILL!) considers the casting of Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm to be a PC stunt when it was long ago revealed to be Hollywood nepotism, as Trank and Jordan are extremely good friends.

I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.
