MovieChat Forums > Here Comes the Boom (2012) Discussion > Wait.... What about the taxes?

Wait.... What about the taxes?

50 grand is what he wins. 48 was what was needed.

Wouldn't he have to pay taxes on this income? Wouldn't this reduce the winnings dramatically below the amount needed?

How much did it cost to fly and house 4 people to Vegas from Boston?
How much did it cost to fly and house a school band to Vegas from Boston?

Why not just donate the cost of the trip to the music program?


The trip was paid by the UFC (probably).

Good question about the tax though - he simply avoided it.


Would the winnings be tax exempt if they were being donated?
I don't know.


Would the winnings be tax exempt if they were being donated?
You are correct.

As for the costs of flying to vegas - the UFC definitely picked up the tab for the kids, they said that in the movie. His own travel expenses, I don't know, it could be either way depending on the circumstances but really not likely to be more than $2K if he was budget minded.


Perhaps his selfless underdog story even inspired the IRS.


Well that leaves room for a sequel.. He pays the school's budget but then gets hit with an IRS bill. He then goes to jail and has to fight his way out.. Here Comes The Shank!!


He donated 50K. That should get him a 100K tax deduction.

ps: I am totally wrong. He donated almost 100K.


I dunno, that KO might have been enough for a bonus. That happens in the UFC. Could have easily been written in but whatever.


In the sequel he fights Irwin R. Schyster


Great old WWF reference!

Accompanied by the million dollar man, Ted Debiase!

