terrible lack of blood ..

just saying.. it would make the whole movie much more believable if getting clean shots to the head and nose produced blood pouring out of your nose..

look at the real MMA fights..if you get hit on your nose, you bleed, if you get hit on the area around your eyes-you bleed..

kevin james character got hit sooo many times on his nose yet nothing.. its like he can withstand clean straight shots into the head without KO..

this is the biggest flaw of the movie.. they shouldn't have him take soo many shots in the head, or if he does get them, he should be looking like a car wreck by the end of the day..yet he has no bruises, no nothing.. accept for that leg gash in the beggining..


its a comedy for family and kids. who gives a f about reality


true, but it would have merited an R rating.


Would an R rating not have limited it's audience somewhat?


Yes clearly for the blood. Same goes for action movies, if you picture someone get shot it's PG-13 but showing blood (realistic amounts) gets you an R, so it's a common decision...

However I would make the exact opposite argument for the bruising, showing almost no bruising, pain, suffering from the fights is, in my opinion, a bad idea. It takes away the consequences of fighting.

Overall, I think when you write a script where a 40 something year old biology teacher wins a UFC fight with less than one year training at some point you go *beep* logic"...


He suffered plenty from the fights. He couldn't even lift his arms after one of them.
