Love Kevin James, but...

...I don't like the movie used a violent sport to entertain families. I know I will be grossly outnumbered on this one, but violent sports are just plain wrong and contributes in its own way to the increasingly violent nature of our community. Children learn that violence is fun and rewarding when it is in the form of a sport. I'm sure many children talked to their parents after the movie about wanting to do martial arts, boxing, football, and Lord knows what. And about martial arts, many parents sign their kids up for martial arts saying that it teaches them self-control. Isn't self-control something that parents are supposed to teach their kids? I have a nephew in it and he is still out of control because he only has to exercise self-control for an hour a week and then ruin his household along with his two brothers for the rest of the week. All it really does is teach children violence-how to beat the crap out of someone. Some may say, "But children need to learn self-defense to protect them from bullies?" It sounds like a good argument, except for the fact that martial arts can turn kids into bullies because now they know they can beat someone up. The same is true of boxing.

Had to get that off my chest. I wish people, especially parents, would think before just going along with whatever is popular.


And don't even get me started on video games.




to be honest with you, your argument has some merit.
several of my friends run dojo's, and would not accept that kind of behavior from a student.
your family emmber should get their kid out of the crappy belt mill, and into a proper dojo, where they can learn from a good sensei, instead of someone who is actually re-inforcing the poor behavior...

all sports are inherrantly violent though, and MMA is the current flavor for it. football was just as brutal, and whatever some next will be as well. it is the nature fo humanity. there is a reason gladiatorial combat was so popular in it's day, and why we as people have always gone back to these kinds of entertainments. it is a visceral desire for physical confrontation, and competition.

as for violent video games... if you do your research, you will find an undeniable, and direct corelation in street violence, and domestic violence in relation to violent video games.
yeah, the crime, and violence go down in relation with the release of these games. instead of going out and kicking the crud out of people on the streets, or car jacking, folks would apparently prefer to do it in liberty city on their favorite console.
it is a fact, look it up.

violence has a place in our society, and as a learning tool. having kids get it out in a structured setting, with people who care about them watching out for them, is obviously going to be preferable to getting it out in the alleys, and streets... and there is a big difference between superman punching someone who is a trained fighter, and knows how to roll with the punch, and beating someone up for their lunch money.

again, every sensei i know who doesn't run a belt mill would not accept a bully as a student... there are too many negative views for them to allow themselves to be associated with someone reinforcing that behavior.


Really now?? That's all Im gonna say
