My kids LOVED it!
My kids were totally absorbed by this movie. They LOVE Kevin James. I think we've redboxed everyone of his movies.
Yes, its a formulaic feel-gooder. It has the same plot and theme as so many other movies, even a handful of James's own movies. It's almost like he's remaking the same film in different settings. Its an old story and the beauty doesn't come from any surprises but from he execution. They did a pretty great job on this. My kids were cringing during the fight scenes and cheering when he won. That's what you want out of a movie like this. As a parent, let's see, the good guy wins, he saves the school, we see how important the Arts are in education, there's no naughty bits, there is praying and for Pete's sake, it has Henry Winkler in it, the most lovable actor in the USA.