MovieChat Forums > Ancient Aliens (2009) Discussion > The "is it possible?" Game!!!

The "is it possible?" Game!!!

First of all, I love the series. I just find it incredibly funny as well.
So here we go:
If the sand is near the sea and the apples are red, is it possible than in Jupiter some Aliens are drinking Coca Cola?, the answer is a profound yes!!!!!😁


Is it possible that Atlantis was sunk by Donald Trump, who was then sent forward into the future by extra-terrestrials to build the Trump Tower (with help from George Washington and Nikolai Tesla) using Atlantean designs to act as a power point for spacecraft coming to and from Orion's Belt? You have to wonder...

Best films ever:

Snakes on a Plane
Snakes on a Train
Snakes on a Crane
Snakes on Mark Twain


Is it possible the Bigfoot episode was the beginning of the end of this show becoming nothing but a joke? The answer is... YES!


You have to wonder, and you have to ask yourself, we have pyramids in Egypt and we have pyramids in Mexico, the connection is obvious, then who influenced who, is it possible it was......let me think.....BUM!!!!! ALIENS!!!!!


Well, I think that the AA theory about the pyramids makes more sense than what certain former Republican Presidential candidates think (yes, I'm talking to you, Dr. Ben Carson)
