MovieChat Forums > The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) Discussion > Armie and Henry would make such a hot co...

Armie and Henry would make such a hot couple!

Just saying.


I'll say it with more words.

I've just seen the movie for the third time, and I think it's time I bumped this thread with more comments.

This time, I was determined to watch for signs that either man was ever interested in Gaby -- and of course, to enjoy watching these two gorgeous men's growing "friendship" during the movie.

First of all, Napoleon was never more than cool and polite to Gaby. He was clearly not the slightest bit interested in her at all. Illya had those silly scenes where she was practically being pushed in his face -- yet still he managed to resist her "charms". Yes, there were a couple of near-miss "kisses", which she appeared to initiate, while he just dumbly let her approach. And the first interruption each time, it was over. (Not very passionate, giving up so quickly. At least from my experience....)

And in the very odd moments when he appeared concerned about her, it was the same kind of "concern" that big strong clods often feel for something smaller and weaker. They feel protective, even it's a weaker man, a woman, or an animal that he feels an urge to protect. But of course, most people just see two people of the opposite sex in a movie, and PRESUME that sooner or later they'll fall in love, like they always do. I'm very glad they didn't here.

There were some amazingly risqué (and homoerotic) lines all through it. Solo's handler actually says to him, "What I'm about to feed you may taste bitter, but you'll just have to swallow it." (I guess it's not a surprise that so many heterosexual men found that line sailed right over their heads. How would they know?)

But when the two gorgeous guys are startled to discover that they're both out doing reconnaissance, and were going to have to "work together", the sexy quips just kept flying back and forth. "Okay, we'll do it together -- but just a bit of in and out, and then neither of us talks about it in the morning...." Did he really say that? "You take the top, I'll take the bottom." "Take it like a pussy." "Loving your work, cowboy...." Who could miss all that?

We have Solo stopping for lunch, figuring Illya can take care of himself -- but when he sees the boat burst into flames and sink, he suddenly springs into action. He could have just shrugged and driven away -- but he wasn't going to let this man he'd started to care about die. He risked his life to save him, in a beautiful and caring scene, holding him tightly and pulling him up so his head was out of the water, and then squeezing him in his arms until he coughed up the water he had swallowed, and could breathe again.

I really loved the ending, when both agents are mindful of their orders to kill each other if necessary. Illya spots the computer disk in Solo's luggage, and is coming up behind him. Both have their guns at the ready -- when Solo takes that moment to return Illya's father's watch to him, which he had felt so badly about having to lose! The LOOK on Illya's face when he sees it was just beautiful -- the amazement, the gratitude, the adoration in his eyes (and LOVE), was hard to miss. I wanted to see him express his gratitude in some way.

But the very next thing we see is the two men, relaxed and friendly, standing comfortably together, sharing a drink on that glorious balcony. They've just destroyed the tape that had almost come between them. They had reconciled their differences. Gaby arrives -- and if either of them looked at her at all, it wasn't for more than a split second. They were too wrapped up in each other, after BOTH rescuing each other, and saving each other's lives, being there for each other! (It's funny that people think she was anything like an equal partner there. No she wasn't.)

Why would either hunk want a sarcastic, snippy, ungrateful girl, who had betrayed them both -- when he has his big, strong, and affectionate buddy there, who he can take care of, and who will always take care of him?


Here's more from my archives:

I think that part of the problem with individuals that are resisting the obvious is that they just do not understand homosexuality, homosexual behavior, homoeroticism and homophobia.
If you mean the differences between those concepts, I agree with this point very strongly. Somehow, the disagreements I've encountered seem to fall into two major, often gender-based categories: First, there are women who resist the notion, because it suggests to her that these gorgeous men might not have been interested in HER. (I've mentioned arguments with a woman friend about Yentl, when she flatly refused to see that Avigdor was in love with Anshel, by the end, even though he thought she was a man.)

There are women like that on here, who are determined to believe that Illya was in love with Gaby. He sure wasn't from any of the evidence.

And the other variety, quite often expressed by men in varying degrees of homophobic ignorance, is basically "How could two such big, tough studs be gay??" Well, by all accounts, anyone who has ever been to gay bars in New York, Seattle, or San Francisco well knows that there are a LOT of extremely tough and masculine men who are gay -- some of whom even snicker that straight guys are "just wimps" because "weak and flimsy" women are all they are able to handle.

But there's also your distinction between homosexuality, homosexual behaviour, homoeroticism and homophobia. About behaviour -- a gay friend of mine tells me that, in gay porn these days, a very large portion of it is given over to young straight men who are just making a buck. They are often impoverished college students needing money for tuition, and penniless soldiers on leave -- none of whom feel that it categorizes them in any way, sexually. (Younger people these days are particularly "flexible" anyway, it seems, in that area.) They say that men in non-gay porn are paid close to nothing, and they're treated like props -- while straight men in gay porn are cherished and pampered -- like trophies.

People are also misled by assuming that, since Solo bedded two different women, that means he would NEVER be attracted to his hunky buddy. It doesn't mean any such thing. Sexuality is a lot more complicated than they seem to realize. It's NOT just either this or that.

Homoeroticism is indeed different from homosexual behaviour, but even the latter is very difficult to describe and characterize, since, as Kinsey discovered, the majority of men are to some degree bisexual, whether he does anything about it or not -- and of course, many will lie about it and deny it vehemently.

But to be perfectly frank, would I personally be interested in seeing these two beautiful men making love? I sure would. I'd definitely pay to see that -- and I'd buy the DVD, too. And I know a lot of other women who would, too.


And here's more:

So I was just listening to the soundtrack again and remembering that, when Gaby tried to kiss Illya and he didn't kiss her back, they played a nice little tuneless melody that was quite pretty.

But when Solo rescued Illya, saving his life in the nick of time when he was drowning, they had a full-on Italian love song playing all through it, to underscore the scene. What could this mean?

The fourth time I saw the movie, I watched such scenes closely. Each time we saw an "uncompleted kiss", it was Gaby who had made the moves, while Illya just watched her. Then, of course, with the first interruption, it was all over. In my experience, if you really want to kiss someone, you don't let a little interruption stop you -- but it was clear he didn't really want to kiss her at all. For many people, this "failure to connect" represented "unresolved sexual tension", which makes me laugh.

For REAL u.s.t., try these: Instead of just shrugging and driving away, Solo risks his life to rescue Illya, who is clearly in very serious trouble. Solo drives the truck right into the water so he can use the headlights to search for Illya. He jumps out, pulls him to the surface and helps him breathe, and while he's holding him in his arms, the syrupy Italian love song is still playing. What could that mean? It had started playing in the truck, but the truck was now at the bottom of the harbour already, and yet the music played on. Did Illya express his gratitude appropriately? If so, how? Did they hurry back to the hotel, take off their wet clothes, and dry each other off? They must have done so, but we weren't shown....

Then Solo is being tortured, and it's obviously getting seriously painful, even for a tough guy like him. Wonderful Illya appears behind the glass, and a relieved and grateful Solo knows he's about to be rescued from a certain, slow and painful death. How did Solo express his gratitude for being rescued in return? Again, we weren't shown.

Illya gets orders over the phone that he's to retrieve the computer disk, even if he has to kill Solo to get it. He goes berserk, trashing the room, because he's so upset at this command. Why didn't he just do as he was told, like a good agent? I think we know why.... (And it's significant that Gaby is just leaving as he's on the phone, and he doesn't look up or wave goodbye to her. More evidence that he's just "not that into her....")

Then Solo returns Illya's father's treasured watch, and we see his expression of wonder, and gratitude, and something more.... How did he express this gratitude? We weren't shown, were we? Yet again! But we saw how relaxed and comfortable they were together, as they shared a drink together on the balcony. Was that "afterglow"? They were so wrapped up in each other that, when Gaby walked in, neither of them even looked at her.

People talk about unresolved sexual tension, and hang their hopes on things like the fact that Illya had expressed some concern when he thought she had been injured (he had asked Solo FIRST, who had just told him was fine). But let's not kid ourselves. Sadly, many people think if we weren't SHOWN something, that means it didn't happen. But anyone who was paying attention could see that the REAL "sexual tension" had nothing at all to do with Gaby.




Follow-up to that:

I think the majority of viewers have been appreciative of the erotic tension between Illya and Gaby
You actually call it "erotic tension" when Gaby is doing everything short of standing on her head and singing opera to get Illya to notice her, and he just isn't interested? How much clearer did he have to make it?
appreciate the "interrupted kiss"
You're so deluded that you think she could have given Illya three different chances to kiss her, be brushed off by him every time, and still think he wants her? If a man is interested in a woman, he does NOT keep jumping at excuses to move away from her, when she keeps giving him such blatant chances to kiss her. He just didn't want to. 
the idea that Illya is hostile to Gaby
Did I say that? No, I didn't. He would have been justified being hostile to her, of course, given her appalling behaviour -- but he was clearly just trying to be polite to her, and let her know he wasn't interested in her without hurting her feelings. But it was getting to the point where he was going to have to start being more blunt with her, because she wasn't getting the message.

Honestly, you have to wonder about a woman who just couldn't take a hint, no matter how many times he blew her off.
while in love with Napoleon
Over the past year, I have been listing in DETAIL all the evidence that shows he was a lot more interested in the big strong guy who saved his life and always had his back -- much more than this rude, sarcastic, and snippy little bitch who assaulted him -- twice. Do you really think men find that attractive?? Do you even know any men?

But you think I'm "delusional", when all you've got on your side is the three times when SHE tried to kiss HIM, and he wouldn't kiss her back. Give it up.
I enjoyed all three and would welcome Gaby as a member of the team.
You can't be serious. She would just be useless baggage. Her "skills" were limited to wearing cute '60s outfits. Is that supposed to be a contribution to the team?? How insulting to women! Meanwhile, the two men (the REAL team) did all the hard work, investigating, doing espionage, struggling, fighting, and taking abuse.

She was only there to lead them to her father. He's dead now. Now she just needs to get gone.


I have more in my archives, but I want to go shopping. (I might post more later.)

It's pretty obvious Illya was interested in Gaby.
Don't kid yourself. It was "pretty obvious" that Gaby was interested in Illya -- but it was equally obvious that he was NOT interested in HER.
They would have kissed at the end if they hadn't been interrupted.
They might have kissed ANY of the three times that Gaby made moves on him, if he had been interested in or attracted to her. When he was NOT, he just used any interruption as his excuse to move away from her.

It looks like you don't know very much about guys yet, because if a man is indeed interested in you, he doesn't keep jumping at excuses NOT to kiss you when you keep leaning in and giving him the opportunity.

Like I've said MANY times in other posts, if he's really keen, he wouldn't care if the bellboy had just arrived or not. If he was just shy, he might pause to deal with the interruption, and then pick up right where he left off.

But to immediately back off and move away from her? That's a sign he didn't WANT to kiss her, but he was trying to be polite to her and not hurt her feelings. Although why he would care about her feelings is beyond me, when she was rude, snotty, sarcastic and bitchy the whole time -- AND she assaulted him TWICE, when he had done nothing to deserve it. Except IGNORE her.....

What kind of man would find that appealing? One who needed therapy, that's who.


This creature is a troll account.

It has been LucindaHEvans, a troll account.

This poster is also Livesingrace, notstevecarson, marvelousmarvin, greybnyquist, and a whole lot more.

But, most famously, this is the original tomtrueman from the Brokeback Mountain board who destroyed that board, as he's done here, with his constant self-loathing homophobic rants and hissy-fits.

Yes, Lucinda, like Grace, is a gay man from Vancouver.

Please see the other posts in my posting history to understand all of this better. You will also find a link to a photo that tommy (Lucinda, Gracie) posted showing him marching in a parade as Zorro. There are also links to external sources that will confirm who this nutjob is who had all of you fooled for so very long with his lies and transgendered persona.

If I can help more in any way, please do hesitate to contact me.

I almost forgot.

This is tommy...


This creature is a troll account.

It has been LucindaHEvans, a troll account.

This poster is also Livesingrace, notstevecarson, marvelousmarvin, greybnyquist, and a whole lot more.

But, most famously, this is the original tomtrueman from the Brokeback Mountain board who destroyed that board, as he's done here, with his constant self-loathing homophobic rants and hissy-fits.

Yes, Lucinda, like Grace, is a gay man from Vancouver.

Please see the other posts in my posting history to understand all of this better. You will also find a link to a photo that tommy (Lucinda, Gracie) posted showing him marching in a parade as Zorro. There are also links to external sources that will confirm who this nutjob is who had all of you fooled for so very long with his lies and transgendered persona.

If I can help more in any way, please do hesitate to contact me.

I almost forgot.

This is tommy...


Her "skills" were limited to wearing cute '60s outfits. Is that supposed to be a contribution to the team?? How insulting to women!

I've grown tired of that line. Of course she wore cute 60's outfits. This film takes place in the 60's.....
It wasn't her only contribution and I don't see what is so insulting to women unless you are somehow looking at things from a twenty first century point of view.
In the 60's it was just a tv show about spies. That's what I looked at going into this movie.

When watching Mad Men, I don't appreciate the way the men treat the women but I accept that it really is the way women were treated at the time. THAT was demeaning! All I can say is that times have changed.... and for the better.

Oh well.... Have a nice life and continue to enjoy the movie over and over again and again. 

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"


This creature is a troll account.

It has been LucindaHEvans, a troll account.

This poster is also Livesingrace, notstevecarson, marvelousmarvin, greybnyquist, and a whole lot more.

But, most famously, this is the original tomtrueman from the Brokeback Mountain board who destroyed that board, as he's done here, with his constant self-loathing homophobic rants and hissy-fits.

Yes, Lucinda, like Grace, is a gay man from Vancouver.

Please see the other posts in my posting history to understand all of this better. You will also find a link to a photo that tommy (Lucinda, Gracie) posted showing him marching in a parade as Zorro. There are also links to external sources that will confirm who this nutjob is who had all of you fooled for so very long with his lies and transgendered persona.

If I can help more in any way, please do hesitate to contact me.

I almost forgot.

This is tommy...


This creature is a troll account.

It has been LucindaHEvans, a troll account.

This poster is also Livesingrace, notstevecarson, marvelousmarvin, greybnyquist, and a whole lot more.

But, most famously, this is the original tomtrueman from the Brokeback Mountain board who destroyed that board, as he's done here, with his constant self-loathing homophobic rants and hissy-fits.

Yes, Lucinda, like Grace, is a gay man from Vancouver.

Please see the other posts in my posting history to understand all of this better. You will also find a link to a photo that tommy (Lucinda, Gracie) posted showing him marching in a parade as Zorro. There are also links to external sources that will confirm who this nutjob is who had all of you fooled for so very long with his lies and transgendered persona.

If I can help more in any way, please do hesitate to contact me.

I almost forgot.

This is tommy...


This creature is a troll account.

It has been LucindaHEvans, a troll account.

This poster is also Livesingrace, notstevecarson, marvelousmarvin, greybnyquist, and a whole lot more.

But, most famously, this is the original tomtrueman from the Brokeback Mountain board who destroyed that board, as he's done here, with his constant self-loathing homophobic rants and hissy-fits.

Yes, Lucinda, like Grace, is a gay man from Vancouver.

Please see the other posts in my posting history to understand all of this better. You will also find a link to a photo that tommy (Lucinda, Gracie) posted showing him marching in a parade as Zorro. There are also links to external sources that will confirm who this nutjob is who had all of you fooled for so very long with his lies and transgendered persona.

If I can help more in any way, please do hesitate to contact me.

I almost forgot.

This is tommy...


I saw Armie Hammer on talk shows, where he CONFIRMED that he and Henry were "in love". He didn't say "good buddies". He said "IN LOVE"! Now, what could that MEAN?? Hmmmm.......

That interview with the director was just laughable. He was so obviously feigning "dismay" that anyone interpreted what he had deliberately put there in the way they were obviously meant, if he hadn't been too much of a coward to admit it. (U.S. markets are notoriously intolerant about that subject -- like so many others -- so he was probably just being cautious.)

Ritchie isn't naive (although many of YOU are); and while I was frankly surprised at some of the more blatant homoerotic messages, I assumed he was including them for all the fans of the slash/fiction that's out there about Napoleon and Illya making love.

If he really didn't MEAN it that way (which I don't believe for a second), it seems that he didn't direct the movie very well. It's also clear that Armie didn't get the memo. And if you saw the way the two guys were behaving together in interviews, it looked like Cavill didn't get it either.


Enuf fun to get you dancing, Lucinda?


This creature is a troll account.

It has been LucindaHEvans, a troll account.

This poster is also Livesingrace, notstevecarson, marvelousmarvin, greybnyquist, and a whole lot more.

But, most famously, this is the original tomtrueman from the Brokeback Mountain board who destroyed that board, as he's done here, with his constant self-loathing homophobic rants and hissy-fits.

Yes, Lucinda, like Grace, is a gay man from Vancouver.

Please see the other posts in my posting history to understand all of this better. You will also find a link to a photo that tommy (Lucinda, Gracie) posted showing him marching in a parade as Zorro. There are also links to external sources that will confirm who this nutjob is who had all of you fooled for so very long with his lies and transgendered persona.

If I can help more in any way, please do hesitate to contact me.

I almost forgot.

This is tommy...


This creature is a troll account.

It has been LucindaHEvans, a troll account.

This poster is also Livesingrace, notstevecarson, marvelousmarvin, greybnyquist, and a whole lot more.

But, most famously, this is the original tomtrueman from the Brokeback Mountain board who destroyed that board, as he's done here, with his constant self-loathing homophobic rants and hissy-fits.

Yes, Lucinda, like Grace, is a gay man from Vancouver.

Please see the other posts in my posting history to understand all of this better. You will also find a link to a photo that tommy (Lucinda, Gracie) posted showing him marching in a parade as Zorro. There are also links to external sources that will confirm who this nutjob is who had all of you fooled for so very long with his lies and transgendered persona.

If I can help more in any way, please do hesitate to contact me.

I almost forgot.

This is tommy...


I've just seen the movie for the third time,

I thought you had seen it 4 times at the theater and that you pre ordered the DVD....and I assume you have it now.
Maybe I misunderstood. Do you really mean that you have just watched it 3 times in a row?

Anyway, I liked the strong friendship that grew between them. I don't see them as a hot couple. As for Gaby, she is just one of many women that will come and go out of their lives since this was a prequel to the things that come.

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"


I thought you had seen it 4 times at the theater and that you pre ordered the DVD....and I assume you have it now.
Maybe I misunderstood. Do you really mean that you have just watched it 3 times in a row?
At the time I wrote that message, I had just seen it for the third time, Margo. You're quite correct that I saw it again in the theatre after that, and now own the DVD.

So many of my messages have disappeared unfairly, over the years, after being reported by idiots and deleted by the robot "administrators"! (They shouldn't LIE to us and make it look like there are qualified and trained people doing such stupid things.) Rather than waste all that typing, I was copying every message and adding it to my archives.

In this last week of these boards' existence, I will be reposting some of my favourites. There are PLENTY to choose from!

About Gaby just being there to wear '60s fashions, I say that to make the point to people who somehow imagined that she was going to become a valuable part of the team, when she was REALLY only there to lead them to her father, now dead, and to provide window dressing as Illya's "fiancée".

Those who constantly reference the TV show should remember that the "dolly of the week" came and went -- and Gaby was no better. I'm happy to see you agree with me on that.

It's really funny to see people trying to pretend either hunk WANTED her!  Clearly they didn't at all. Solo ignored her completely, and Illya kept refusing to kiss her. Not a good sign, if she was hoping to get into his pants, at some point......


This troll poster lies about everything. You cannot believe a word he posts.

You have been warned!


I'm glad Daniel Pemberton's 'Unfinished Kiss' was given a longer play in the end credits. It's an absolutely gorgeous piece of music.
Ali, I agree that the "Unfinished Kiss" was lovely to hear -- but I can't help but think of the REASON their kisses were never finished. Which was that, while Gaby kept moving in on Illya and giving him a chance to kiss her, he never would, because he didn't want to.

He just stared at her, not responding, and then he jumped at the first excuse to move away from her. That told me that he was trying to reject her advances without hurting her feelings. (Although why he would even care about her feelings after the way she treated him, I can't imagine.)

But it was quite humiliating for her that he would never kiss her, when she was so obviously keen on him.


After I read all this, I just had to get out my DVD, because that just sounded completely wrong to me:

Gagliardi's ballad begins with Napoelon Solo (Henry Cavill) dining on a picnic lunch and ends with the F.B.I. agent crashing a truck into a speed boat.
It does no such thing. Solo crashes the truck onto the boat during the first verse, and it doesn't "end" there at all. During the rest of the song (which, if you understand the lyrics, is about missing someone he's lost -- no coincidence that it's playing when Illya is suddenly in mortal danger), he's desperately trying to rescue this man he had come to care about more than he thought he would.

And the song's impassioned closing notes play as he's holding Illya in his arms at the surface, helping him to breathe. It seems like SOMEONE wasn't paying attention -- and it sure wasn't me....
"I did a whole string arrangement on top of it," he says. "It feels like part of the track and no one will ever know that that's actually part of the composition on the score. Now they will.
Oh really? That's interesting. Because on my DVD, there was no "string arrangement" audible, unless he means the guitar line that was in the original.

And speaking of the ORIGINAL, what I heard in the theatre and just now on my DVD, BOTH sounded exactly like I'd always remembered the song, and is essentially the same as the YouTube version, the link to which I posted. (Somehow the screen time is just over three minutes long, which is slightly shorter than the original.)

How many versions of the movie were out there? Was there another completely different version where Illya did indeed fall in love with Gaby (instead of just ignoring and rebuffing her, like he did in the one I saw), and did NOT get very snuggly with Solo, which was very clear and obvious in the movie I saw four times in the theatre? How likely is that?



You're just playing with yourself, as usual, tommy.


It's like watching the rats scatter on the last night on the Titanic.

You're going down, tammy.

And NOT in the way you immediately thought.

You perv.


The biggest RAT here is you. Did you have anything at all to contribute about the MOVIE we're all discussing? No, of course not! Then shut the hell up.


Nobody's listening to you tranny.


Nobody believes you tammy.


Why must you take over every single thread and turn it into your personal toilet? You're a disgusting human being whose mental illness has become apparent to even the dullest clod on these boards Just DIE already. It's way past time.


There were thoughtful responses regarding the manner in which this song helped to reinforce the bond between the leads. I don't know why they were taken down.
Thanks for your agreement and support! The ugly fact is that there are large numbers of fools who think anything they don't like or disagree with should just be reported and deleted.

I don't believe for a second that any real human "administrator" with a functioning brain would have read my message, evaluated it carefully, and found it in any violation of ANY of the site's terms of service. This is clearly the action of robots.

Sadly, though, this is just another disgraceful example of bullies following me around and reporting ANYTHING I post, no matter how harmless -- which has been happening increasingly often. For anyone who thinks freedom of speech actually means anything, it's time to worry. This site is letting the bullies take over.

To reply to your original message, though:
Placement of that song in its scene brought a level of class, elegance and setting that few other songs could have achieved.
I agree. It was no coincidence at all that Solo was listening to a syrupy Italian LOVE SONG (a song about missing someone he has lost) when he realized that Illya's life was in serious danger and he rushed to save him.

AND it was no coincidence that the same LOVE SONG was still playing when he pulled Illya to the surface, holding him in his arms, and helping him to breathe -- even though the truck radio would have been at the bottom of the harbour by then.

The two men's dialogue was full of sexy innuendo and banter, as they both saved each other's life, and helped and protected the big strong man who was always there when he needed him.

And yet SOMEHOW people still are able to imagine that Illya was instead in love with rude, snotty, and bitchy little Gaby, who kept smacking him around for no reason. Wow, go figure.
If its any consolation to the poster, I did read them and appreciate the perspective.
Thanks. I do appreciate that. You see what I'm up against? There was NOTHING wrong with that message.


I'm glad Daniel Pemberton's 'Unfinished Kiss' was given a longer play in the end credits. It's an absolutely gorgeous piece of music.
Ali, I agree that the "Unfinished Kiss" was lovely to hear -- but I can't help but think of the REASON their kisses were never finished. Which was that, while Gaby kept moving in on Illya and giving him a chance to kiss her, he never would, because he didn't want to.

He just stared at her, not responding, and then he jumped at the first excuse to move away from her. That told me that he was trying to reject her advances without hurting her feelings. (Although why he would even care about her feelings after the way she treated him, I can't imagine.)

But it was quite humiliating for her that he would never kiss her, when she was so obviously keen on him.


Having fun, tommy?


You are a lying homophobic bigot, tammy.

And everyone knows it.

And you're welcome.


Your time came and went, tammy.



Gaby was getting desperate to make Illya pay any attention to her at all, when he clearly wasn't interested in her in the least. Instead of just accepting his rejection of her with grace, she resorted to physical abuse.

Disgracefully, the way she attempted to get his attention was by assaulting him -- TWICE. Is there anyone who would think it was "charming" or "comic" if he had started to smack HER around, if she hadn't been interested in HIM? Let's not kid ourselves.

It's just sad that appalling rudeness and violence against men is somehow supposed to be sexy and seductive, when if the genders were reversed, he'd probably go to jail.

reply dance the merengue?


I've just seen the movie for the third time, and I think it's time I bumped this thread with more comments.

This time, I was determined to watch for signs that either man was ever interested in Gaby -- and of course, to enjoy watching these two gorgeous men's growing "friendship" during the movie.

First of all, Napoleon was never more than cool and polite to Gaby. He was clearly not the slightest bit interested in her at all. Illya had those silly scenes where she was practically being pushed in his face -- yet still he managed to resist her "charms". Yes, there were a couple of near-miss "kisses", which she appeared to initiate, while he just dumbly let her approach. And the first interruption each time, it was over. (Not very passionate, giving up so quickly. At least from my experience....)

And in the very odd moments when he appeared concerned about her, it was the same kind of "concern" that big strong clods often feel for something smaller and weaker. They feel protective, even it's a weaker man, a woman, or an animal that he feels an urge to protect. But of course, most people just see two people of the opposite sex in a movie, and PRESUME that sooner or later they'll fall in love, like they always do. I'm very glad they didn't here.

There were some amazingly risqué (and homoerotic) lines all through it. Solo's handler actually says to him, "What I'm about to feed you may taste bitter, but you'll just have to swallow it." (I guess it's not a surprise that so many heterosexual men found that line sailed right over their heads. How would they know?)

But when the two gorgeous guys are startled to discover that they're both out doing reconnaissance, and were going to have to "work together", the sexy quips just kept flying back and forth. "Okay, we'll do it together -- but just a bit of in and out, and then neither of us talks about it in the morning...." Did he really say that? "You take the top, I'll take the bottom." "Take it like a pussy." "Loving your work, cowboy...." Who could miss all that?

We have Solo stopping for lunch, figuring Illya can take care of himself -- but when he sees the boat burst into flames and sink, he suddenly springs into action. He could have just shrugged and driven away -- but he wasn't going to let this man he'd started to care about die. He risked his life to save him, in a beautiful and caring scene, holding him tightly and pulling him up so his head was out of the water, and then squeezing him in his arms until he coughed up the water he had swallowed, and could breathe again.

I really loved the ending, when both agents are mindful of their orders to kill each other if necessary. Illya spots the computer disk in Solo's luggage, and is coming up behind him. Both have their guns at the ready -- when Solo takes that moment to return Illya's father's watch to him, which he had felt so badly about having to lose! The LOOK on Illya's face when he sees it was just beautiful -- the amazement, the gratitude, the adoration in his eyes (and LOVE), was hard to miss. I wanted to see him express his gratitude in some way.

But the very next thing we see is the two men, relaxed and friendly, standing comfortably together, sharing a drink on that glorious balcony. They've just destroyed the tape that had almost come between them. They had reconciled their differences. Gaby arrives -- and if either of them looked at her at all, it wasn't for more than a split second. They were too wrapped up in each other, after BOTH rescuing each other, and saving each other's lives, being there for each other! (It's funny that people think she was anything like an equal partner there. No she wasn't.)

Why would either hunk want a sarcastic, snippy, ungrateful girl, who had betrayed them both -- when he has his big, strong, and affectionate buddy there, who he can take care of, and who will always take care of him?


I think it's time, tammy...
