How about this (invented mechanics)...
When the TimeKeeper gets his per diem, he's asking for the transfer of time from Dispatch - more specifically, a person at Dispatch who recognizes his voice (i.e. would realize if a stranger's voice asked for per diem).
But, as you said, the per diem transaction was aborted before it completed.
PERHAPS it is a two step process. Dispatch person sends time to the car... then person in car gets time from the car (using the time transfer ring).
By the time Will asked for time, he was asking the car, not dispatch.
But why no voice recognition in the car (or other bio-identity mechanism)?
There is no really good answer for this (imo), so what should've happened ...
Will gets in car, puts his arm in the transfer ring (struggles not knowing the right thing to say) and the car happily gives up whatever time it had in its buffer, before he said anything at all.
99.99999% of the time, the Timekeeper is ready to take the time when dispatch shoots it over. The car would normally have zero in the buffer, so it would be futile for non-timekeepers to jump in a car and put their arm in the ring hoping for lightening to strike without being caught.
All that (invention) being said, still doesn't reasonably explain why the timekeeper abort the transfer of his time. Because he noticed the suspect? Naw. That's weak. PERHAPS if they had established that the transfer of time requires the receiver to be at rest (i.e. not in motion) -- time and position can't be variable at the same time! They could've even had a few arm to time box transfers delayed until one or the other was able to "keep still."
ADDING THAT (INVENTION).. Time keeper asks for per diem from Dispatch, dispatch (human) voice confirms the request is queued... chase continues, chase ends, car computer voice confirms receipt of the time into its time buffer (( BUT, timer keeper had already jumped out of car in pursuit -- big mistake )) .Voila .. car is ready to unload its time to Will when he puts his arm in the transfer ring.
or other?