I can't believe it's been 5 years and Fallon is already hosting TTS. I don't know what bothers me more, that 5 years flew by that quickly and I never watched much Fallon, or the fact he got the gig without having to really prove himself. Compare that to Conan, who had one of the longest uphill climbs ever.
I think Fallon is better at networking and schmoozing than Conan. Though Conan is definitely better at this than Letterman lol, he doesn't even try to be phony which is something I always liked about Letterman.
But Fallon is very likeable and I think will be an improvement over Leno, though that's not very hard.
I actually hung out with Fallon for a few hours, in what must have been his first or second season on SNL when he was doing a campus comedy tour. So I got no problem with him, I think he'll do a better job than his predecessor. Will that be reflected in the ratings is anyone's guess. Taco Bell makes more money than your average Tex Mex restaurant, yet the latter has far better quality.
I think if Conan does go on TTS, it will get a crazy reaction. Conan always works best in off kilter things, like remotes, cameos, interviews that bomb etc...so I could see it being hilarious and well received. Hopefully it happens, I think Fallon would sign off on it because he knows Conan ain't gunning for his job.