“I’m gonna slap some grammar into you.”
Any show that has a line of dialogue like that gets the R_Kane seal of approval. This is a winner, if subsequent episodes are as good as the Pilot. Stallone plays Dwight, a New York mobster who just finished 25 years in the can and has been dispatched to Oklahoma to “plant the flag, open up the territory for us.” Watching Dwight cope with changes that happened over the past quarter-century—iPhones, legal reefer emporiums—is hilarious. Stallone looks he’s having the time of his life playing Dwight.
Tulsa King has a very strong Ray Donovan Meets The Sopranos vibe to it. The casting so far is much better than we have the right to expect from MTV Studios, but then, Sly Stallone has never been a TV Star before.
I think we’re going to be getting a lesson in how a very experienced Made Guy moves into an innocent, God-fearing, no-crime-having white bread Bible Belt city and corrupts it and makes money for every citizen he meets, as well as enriching his own coffers. Starting from Day One.
There are strip clubs and cowboy bars. And Dana Delaney is a member of the fulltime cast. That’s all that I need to know.
“I’m gonna slap some grammar into you.” That’s probably gonna show up in some of my posts.