My issues with this movie [SPOILER ALERT!]
I am finally able to put my finger on what bothered me about this movie. It started out very promising - scary first version of Hollowface, good editing and camera work - but didnt quite have that explosive ending I was hoping for. The problem i realised is that the movie kinda ended with a whimper. The ending was very cheesy especially after the mother was made to look like a tramp. Love conquers all and nothing else matters! I guess I really wanted Hollowface to be real...
1. Major flaw. A young John experiences some pretty freakin deep psychological problems as a result of his trauma. But he finally "cures" himself by ending his story with love and affection (Awwww)! This of course did not make sense. How can a troubled child accomplish this without any treatment from professional psychiatrists? Remember even his mother did not help him on that night - too busy spooning. Cured in one day!
2. Uncharacteristic behaviour. After being told of Johns medical condition his wife totally alienates herself from him. Yes he imagined the intruder but remember his friend also just died at work. Its this trauma that triggered his childhood problem. Wouldnt his wife understand all this? Is she just there for the sex?
3. Weird dialogue. After John is told of his and Mia's condition, a social services person or detective asks his wife if she needs a restraining order against John. Why? Shouldnt they be helping him accept it instead? He did not hurt anyone (maybe himself a bit) and clearly loves his daughter. I understand the need to redirect the audience attention so they wont figure things out easily, but is this all necessary?
4. Puzzling scenes. Whats the significance of the close up shot of the detective washing his hands? Why make the wife look like shes having an affair with him especially the way they look at each other and at John in the hospital? Again unnecessarily trying to throw the audience off the plot.
5. Not a serious flaw but...Johns dad fell into wet cement which then engulfed him. So how did he die when he is first seen floating on wet cement? Did he float down like a feather?