Im sorry it was not Paranormal Activity, and was actually a good film.
This was a pretty solid film, Id say on par with insidious and lady in black as one of the few good horror movies to come out since the ring. But apparently unless someone puts drivel on the screen like PA, where nothing happens, then its not considered a good horror movie. Oh its not the descent either, a hackney version of the cave with women, what a stellar film. The spanish and asian market are the only things producing good horror movies these days, and long gone are the days when we can expect something good out of the American marketplace.
But back on point, a decent story, that I will admit suffers a little bit due the constantly skeptical nature of the modern horror fan, the twist with Owen may have had more of an impact in the 1990s. But a good atmosphere, nothing over the top like a lot of the gore porns that come out these days. The acting was pretty good as well, all and all a solid 7/10 horror.