I Didn't Get It

What was wrong with the daughter? I understood that maybe she was acting in the beginning, but what about the climax scene at the end?


What!! Was she using a crucifix?


Remember the scene in the hospital when the dad saw the video and realized his issue. Remember what the dr. said to the dad about people who are very close adopting someone else's psychosis. That was her issue. She really ended up believing the story, so much so that it became real. Another film to check out that show's this is "Bug."

We have to remember to not put limits on the human mind. It is truly limitless when you really think about it, lol, no pun intended.


Yeah, but she writes a note to the doctor that reads something like, "I don't believe in Hollowface, but he does." That is what's confusing me.


He does as in her dad does. It all started with him. She just read the story and became mentally connected with it.


Oh man, Bug is SO much better than this,,,,



Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib
