MovieChat Forums > Intruders (2011) Discussion > So the Great Clive Owen

So the Great Clive Owen

is now making 3rd rate **** like this
His best film was the "Inside Man"
seems his career will never recover after losing out on 007
I mean his joke of a Bond in the Pink Pather was just horrific as was the film

Decent actor, but years behind the Great Daniel Craig


So you're mocking this guy and you've done what with your own life, exactly?


what have you done with your life?
what a stupid statement
Clive Owen was up there with Craig, but is now way below him.
Owen come out and said "i never wanted Bond" then since has made nother but cheap digs at Craigs Bond.
And other then the Inside Man what has Owen really done?


Children of Men, Closer, Sin City, King Arthur, etc, etc...


It's a rhetorical statement because you have clearly done nothing with your life thus your sour grapes at "the great Clive Owen"


It's good for actors to take risks with scripts. A lot can change about a movie during production. Sometimes, if you get a good enough team, the script can be mostly rewritten and improved. I wonder if different editing could have helped this one. The story idea for Intruder is actually decent, but the story telling became convoluted somewhere along the way and spoiled it.

Talented actors shouldn't hold out for the perfect script, director, cinematographer, etc. If it looks OK then jump in and do your best. You can't know exactly how it will turn out until it's finished.


Clive Warren is so much better in my opinion


did you also watch it on film4, EllieJ1961?


I did :)
