
Didn't like this movie, thought the twist was lame. What really bothered me was the change of Clive Owen's name from "Juan" to "John." I know John is the Spanish equivalent, but seriously?? Just because you move to a different country doesn't mean your name changes. My name is Margaret, would it suddenly become Margarita if I moved to Spain?


I agree. This film was completely effective until the 'twist' came around and once I started really getting into it I said to myself, "I really hope this isn't going to end how I think it is" and sure enough it did. Other then that I really enjoyed this movie, but not something you can recommend because the story line ended up not making any sense at all.

One mans wife was another mans slut This has been a MomentofTruth brought to you by TheEvilMonkey.


That's the least issue regarding the lack of realism in the film. People do sometimes change their names. Maybe he did it to better assimulate into english culture.


^^ Exactly, I agree. Or may be it was to help him to forget his fearful past, or it was his step father who wanted him to change his name.



I think it depends more on what the people around you call you. My name has the Spanish diminutive '-ita' added to it by my South American coworkers, even though its an Anglicized Italian name.

So if little Juanito goes to school in Englad, his friends would quite possibly have called him John.

Add to this that the trauma he and his mother were escaping, his birth father, meant a new life for both, and an apparent marriage for her and official adopted last name for him. Juan Farrow would have been more annoying to deal with than 'John'.

If an adult moves, their name is not as likely to morph, but I know Estebans who go by Stevie, here, because of the prevalent culture from childhood.


Very probably, yes. Spaniards love to "spanished" the names, so Princes William and Kate are Guillermo y Carlota in all the magazines and so on. Margarita would be a much common name and would be easier than Margaret if you want to merge with the crowd...which your mom would want if you were hiding from allowing your dad to die.
